Vascular Technology Examination PREP, Second Edition

2nd Edition
1260467619 · 9781260467611
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Your complete, one-stop guide to passing the Vascular Technolo… Read More
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Chapter 1 – Instrumentation,Hemodynamics, and Doppler

Chapter 2 – ExtracranialCerebrovascular

Chapter 3 – IntracranialCerebrovascular

Chapter 4- Peripheral Arterial

Chapter 5 – Peripheral Venous

Chapter 6 – Abdominal VascularStudies

Chapter 7 – Quality AssuranceStatistics

Practice Examination

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Your complete, one-stop guide to passing the Vascular Technology Exam 

With 700+ exam questions, this essential review provides the hands-on practice and knowledge students and practitioners need to master vascular technology

  • Delivers a concise summary of the entire vascular technology curriculum in an accessible format
  • Serves as an essential study guide for the ARDMS exam—and an invaluable resource for sonographers at all stages in their careers
  • Boosts comprehension and retention by combining vascular principles with high-yield review questions and a complete 120-question practice test
  • Covers new technologies, including IVUS, carotid stent criteria, renal stent criteria, vector flow imaging, Chromaflow, Angiojet, and ultrafast Doppler
  • Includes more than 300 color illustrations and sonographic images
  • Expands on the first edition with brand new images, procedures, protocols, and the latest terminology and concepts


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ISBN10: 1260467627 | ISBN13: 9781260467628

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ISBN10: 1260467619 | ISBN13: 9781260467611
