The Web That Has No Weaver

1st Edition
0809228408 · 9780809228409
A Doody’s Core Title for 2024 & 2022! The Web That Has No Weaver is the classic, comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of Chinese alternative medicine. This accessible and invaluable resource has earned its place as the foremost autho… Read More
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Foreword by Margaret Caudill
Foreword by Andrew Weil
1. Medicine East and West: Two Ways of Seeing, Two Ways of Thinking
2. The Fundamental Textures: Qi, Blood, Essence, Spirit, and Fluids
3. The Organs of the Body: The Harmonious Landscape
4. The Meridians: The Warp and Woof
5. Origins of Disharmony: Stormy Weather
6. The Four Examinations: Signs and Symptoms
7. The Eight Principal Patterns: The Faces of Yin and Yang
8. The Patterns of the Human Landscape
9. Chinese Medicine as an Art
10. The Web That Has No Weaver

A Doody’s Core Title for 2024 & 2022! 

The Web That Has No Weaver is the classic, comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of Chinese alternative medicine. This accessible and invaluable resource has earned its place as the foremost authority in synthesizing Western and Eastern healing practices. This revised edition is the product of years of further reflection on ancient Chinese sources and active involvement in cutting-edge scientific research.

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ISBN10: 007150740X | ISBN13: 9780071507400

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ISBN10: 0809228408 | ISBN13: 9780809228409
