The Pirates' Pact

1st Edition
0071474765 · 9780071474764
The Secret Alliances Between History's Most Notorious Buccaneers and Colonial AmericaWas classical piracy an earlier version of state-sponsored terrorism?Here's the story of how almost every well-known buccaneer of the “Golden Age of Piracy” enjo… Read More
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Piracy in context
Life in the British Atlantic colonies
The rise of Caribbean piracy
The pirate princes of Jamaica
The curious case of Henry Avery
Lord Hamilton's downfall
The pirate haven of Rhode Island
The despair of Lord Bellomont
The "Golden Age" of Atlantic piracy
Lord Bellomont and Capt. Kidd
Governor Eden and the pirates of the Carolinas
Blackbeard: Pirate par excellence
Woodes Rogers and the end of the pirate brokers

The Secret Alliances Between History's Most Notorious Buccaneers and Colonial America

Was classical piracy an earlier version of state-sponsored terrorism?

Here's the story of how almost every well-known buccaneer of the “Golden Age of Piracy” enjoyed active sponsorship from England's governors in the American colonies- setting a pattern of official disobedience to the Crown that would ultimately contribute to the American push for independence. Relying on rare primary sources discovered in government archives in England, the Carolinas, Rhode Island, Jamaica, and elsewhere, Burgess combines true tales of derring-do with groundbreaking research in this fascinating history.

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ISBN10: 0071643362 | ISBN13: 9780071643368

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ISBN10: 0071474765 | ISBN13: 9780071474764
