The Baffled Parent's Guide to Great Basketball Plays

1st Edition
0071502793 · 9780071502795
From one of the most highly respected college coaches in the nation, the only book to show how to teach winning basketball plays to kids age 14 and underLike no other, The Baffled Parent's Guide to Great Basketball Plays gives you a total playbook fo… Read More
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1. Introduction
2. Get Open! Plays
3. Basic Plays
4. Give and Go Plays
5. Backdoor Plays
6. Pick and Roll
7. Scissor Plays
8. Baseline Screen Plays
9. Low Post Plays
10. Fast Breaks
11. Out-of-Bounds Plays
12. Quick Hitters
13. Double Stack Plays
14. Other Plays

From one of the most highly respected college coaches in the nation, the only book to show how to teach winning basketball plays to kids age 14 and under

Like no other, The Baffled Parent's Guide to Great Basketball Plays gives you a total playbook for coaching middle and junior-high schoolers through the ins and outs of on-the-court tactics. NCAA coach Fran Dunphy provides 75 winning plays complete with easy-to-follow instructions on how to execute each move for maximum scoring.

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ISBN10: 0071643478 | ISBN13: 9780071643474

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ISBN10: 0071502793 | ISBN13: 9780071502795
