Study Guide for Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Sixth Edition
6th Edition
© 2014 | Published: March 7, 2014
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• Fundamentals of Electricity• Applications of Ohm’s Law• Aircraft Storage Batteries• Electric Wire and Wiring Practices• Alternating Current• Electrical Control Devices• Digital Electronics• Electric Measuring Instruments• Electric Motors• Generators and Related Control Circuits• Alternators, Inverters, and Related Controls• Power Distribution Systems• Design and Maintenance of Aircraft Electrical Systems• Radio Theory• Communication and Navigation Systems• Weather and Other Warning Systems• Electric Instruments and Autoflight Systems
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Test your knowledge of modern electrical and electronics systems for aircraft
Test your knowledge of modern electrical and electronics systems for aircraft
Fully updated for the latest technological advances, this complete study guide features hundreds of multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and analysis questions to reinforce the material presented in Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Sixth Edition. Topics covered include design concepts, FAA certification requirements, and aerospace-quality maintenance and repair techniques for aircraft electrical and electronics systems. Designed to help you prepare for the FAA Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic certification exam, this book contains new and revised information on:
- The Airbus A-380 and the Boeing 787
- Fiber-optic cable
- Brushless motors and modern sensors
- Variable frequency generators
- Very light jet electrical power systems
- Electronic maintenance data
- Advanced integrated test equipment
- GPS augmentation systems and satellite communications
- Flight data and cockpit voice recorders
- Synthetic vision and radar systems
- Integrated flight decks
- Flight management systems
- And much more
Study Guide for Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, Sixth Edition, covers:
Fundamentals of electricityApplications of Ohm’s lawAircraft storage batteriesElectric wire and wiring practicesAlternating currentElectrical control devicesDigital electronicsElectric measuring instrumentsElectric motorsGenerators and related control circuitsAlternators, inverters, and related controlsPower distribution systemsDesign and maintenance of aircraft electrical systemsRadio theoryCommunication and navigation systemsWeather warning and other safety systemsInstruments and autoflight systems