Structural Renovation of Buildings: Methods, Details, and Design Examples, Second Edition

2nd Edition
1260458334 · 9781260458336
Hands-on structural renovation techniques and best practices—thoroughly revised for the latest building codes This fully updated manual explains how to renovate the structure of any building. Up-to-date, comprehensive, and packed with savvy advice… Read More
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Hands-on structural renovation techniques and best practices—thoroughly revised for the latest building codes
This fully updated manual explains how to renovate the structure of any building. Up-to-date, comprehensive, and packed with savvy advice drawn from the author's extensive experience, the book makes it easier for building professionals to plan structural improvements—and to handle unforeseen contingencies that arise during construction.
The second edition of Structural Renovation of Buildings: Methods, Details, and Design Examples clearly explains the newest methods and materials used for structural repair, strengthening, and seismic rehabilitation. The case studies illustrate the practical applications of the design methods discussed and the best practices that can be used to mitigate the problems that commonly arise during renovation projects. The book:

• Contains practical design methods and problem-solving techniques for structural strengthening and repairs
• Explains the structural provisions of the 2018 International Existing Building Code as well as the latest specialized codes pertaining to steel, concrete, wood, and masonry renovations
• Is written by a renowned structural engineer and experienced author

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ISBN10: 1260458342 | ISBN13: 9781260458343

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ISBN10: 1260458334 | ISBN13: 9781260458336
