Standard Aircraft Handbook for Mechanics and Technicians, Eighth Edition

8th Edition
1260468925 · 9781260468922
The on-the-job aircraft maintenance manual and gold standard for aviation students and professionals – now fully updatedFor over 60 years, the Standard Aircraft Handbook for Mechanics and Technicians has been the go-to manual for building, maintain… Read More
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1. Introduction
2. Tools and How to Use Them
3. Materials and Fabricating
4. Drilling and Countersinking
5. Riveting
6. Welding
7. Bolts and Threaded Fasteners
8. Aircraft Plumbing
9. Control Cables
10. Electrical Wiring and Installation
11. Aircraft Drawings
12. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) or Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
13. Corrosion Detection and Control
14. Composites
15. Standard Parts
16. Weight and Balance
17. Regulations, Publications, Maintenance Forms, and Records

The on-the-job aircraft maintenance manual and gold standard for aviation students and professionals – now fully updated

For over 60 years, the Standard Aircraft Handbook for Mechanics and Technicians has been the go-to manual for building, maintaining, overhauling, and repairing aircraft of all types. This illustrated manual provides clear, step-by-step procedures for all essential aircraft maintenance and repair tasks. Thoroughly revised to cover the latest advances in the industry, this Eighth Edition includes essential information on composite materials, cutting-edge nondestructive testing, corrosion detection equipment and procedures, and new sections on wood components, aircraft weight and balance, welding, and FAA regulations. New photos, diagrams, tables, and schematics are featured throughout this must-have reference.

Coverage includes:

  • Tools and their proper use
  • Materials and fabricating, including new section on wood
  • Drilling and countersinking
  • Riveting
  • Bolts and threaded fasteners
  • Aircraft plumbing
  • Control cable
  • Electrical wiring and installation
  • NEW - Aircraft weight and balance
  • Nondestructive testing (NDT)
  • Corrosion detection and control
  • Composite materials
  • NEW - FAA regulations and aircraft inspections

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ISBN10: 1260468933 | ISBN13: 9781260468939

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ISBN10: 1260468925 | ISBN13: 9781260468922
