Spanish Verb Drills, Premium Sixth Edition

6th Edition
1264264186 · 9781264264186
Build Mastery in Spanish Verbs for Confident Communication!An essential foundation for learning Spanish is confidence in the use of its verbs. Spanish Verb Drills will help you overcome difficulties and lay the foundation for effective communication … Read More
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1. Regular Verbs: Present
2. Imperfect
3. Preterit
4. Future
5. Conditional
6. Progressive Tenses
7. Perfect Tenses
8. Present Subjunctive
9. Imperative
10. Imperfect Subjunctive
11. Perfect Tenses of the Subjunctive
12. Reflexive Verbs
13. Stem-Changing Verbs—Class I
14. Stem-Changing Verbs—Class II
15. Stem-Changing Verbs—Class III
16. Orthographic Changes
17. Orthographic Changes in Stem-Changing Verbs
18. Irregular Verbs
19. Irregular Past Participles
20. Final Review
Answer Key
Index of Infinitives, English to Spanish
Index of Spanish Infinitives

Build Mastery in Spanish Verbs for Confident Communication!

An essential foundation for learning Spanish is confidence in the use of its verbs. Spanish Verb Drills will help you overcome difficulties and lay the foundation for effective communication through clear explanations and rigorous practice. Your language skills will be strengthened as you become more fluent in your use of the correct tenses and verb forms.

Spanish Verb Drills features:

  • Clear instruction on correct conjugation and the use of every tense
  • More than 200 exercises, covering all aspects of the Spanish grammar system
  • Numerous examples that demonstrate how the Spanish verb system works
  • Review exercises to reinforce your understanding
  • Audio recordings, quizzes, and flashcards via app to support your study

Spanish Verb Drills is a source of practical advance that you can use either in conjunction with a course or as a self-learning tool. You’ll become less intimidated by all aspects of verbs and, instead, more confident in your Spanish writing and speaking skills.

Topics include:

Regular verbs in -ar, -er, and -ir • Present, imperfect, preterit, and future tenses • Progressive tenses • Stem-changing and orthographic-changing verbs • Present, imperfect, and perfect tenses of the subjunctive • Key irregular verbs and verbs that conjugate like them • Irregular past participles • and more

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ISBN10: 1264264194 | ISBN13: 9781264264193

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ISBN10: 1264264186 | ISBN13: 9781264264186
