Smart Parenting During and After Divorce: The Essential Guide to Making Divorce Easier on Your Child

1st Edition
0071597557 · 9780071597555
Make your divorce a more peaceful, healthy, and less-stressful experience for your children.No matter how much you and your ex love your children, they will still find themselves between two warring factions fighting over custody, visitation, and mon… Read More
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Part 1: Understanding Your Conflict
Part 2: Navigating the Court System
Part 3: Parenting for Different Ages
Part 4: Co-Parenting Successfully
Part 5: Making Visitation Schedules Work
Part 6: Dealing with a Difficult Ex
Part 7: Moving On

Make your divorce a more peaceful, healthy, and less-stressful experience for your children.

No matter how much you and your ex love your children, they will still find themselves between two warring factions fighting over custody, visitation, and money. Author Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D., has seen literally thousands of cases just like yours, and he knows how to transform an ugly, high-conflict divorce into a smarter, more civilized process for the sake of your children. The “smart” part of Smart Parenting During and After a Divorce is all about trading the momentary relief of venting anger and frustration at your spouse for the benefit of raising healthier, happier, less-stressed children.

This essential guide will teach you to:

  • De-escalate and defuse any conflict
  • Talk to your kids about divorce and address the special needs of all age groups from infants to teens
  • Remain a positive role model to your kids
  • Keep both parents active in your children's lives
  • Establish fair visitation schedules and, when necessary, learn the art of compromise
  • Identify and deal with the common problems children of divorce experience: academic issues, discipline problems, rebellion, and anger toward parents

Plus: An indispensable appendix of resources, organizations, and websites that specialize in helping divorcing parents like you keep the peace.

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ISBN10: 0071597565 | ISBN13: 9780071597562

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ISBN10: 0071597557 | ISBN13: 9780071597555
