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Small-Boat Seamanship Manual

1st Edition
007146882X · 9780071468824
Make the U.S. Coast Guard your first mate The Small-Boat Seamanship Manual contains all the information found in the Coast Guard's official 1,200-page training manual, giving you access to the highest standards of seamanship practiced and perfected b… Read More
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Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 1: Boat Crew Duties and Responsibilities

Section A: The Boat Crew

Section B: Boat Crew Duties

Crew Member
Boat Engineer

Section C: Watchstanding Responsibilities

Lookout Watch
Night Lookout Watch
Helm Watch
Towing Watch
Anchor Watch

Appendix 1-A: Pre-Underway Checklist

Appendix 1-B: Normal Cruising Checklist (Coxswain)/h4>

Appendix 1-C: Auxiliary Pre-Underway Checklist

Chapter 2: Patrols

Section A: Safety Patrols

Benefits of Safety Patrols
Auxiliary Safety Patrol Boat Duties

Section B: Regatta Patrols and Marine Parades

Patrolling Regattas
Patrol Boat Assignments
Patrolling the Various Regattas
Marine Parades

Section C: Aids to Navigation Patrols

Section D: Chart Updating Patrols

Section E: Disaster Patrols

Section F: Port Security and Maritime Pollution

Chapter 3: Crew Efficiency Factors

Section A: Physical Fitness Standards

Section B: Crew Fatigue

Section C: Motion Sickness

Section D: Lethal Fumes

Section E: Noise

Section F: Drugs and Alcohol

Section G: Cold Related Factors

Effects of Cold Weather
Layering Clothing

Section H: Sun and Heat Related Factors

Sun Burns
Heat Rash (Prickly Heat)
Heat Cramps
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Stroke
Susceptibility to Heat Problems

Chapter 4: Team Coordination and Risk Management

Section A: Team Coordination

Team Relationship
Team Coordination and Risk Management

Section B: Team Coordination Standards

Leadership Standard
Mission Analysis Standard
Adaptability and Flexibility Standard
Situation Awareness Standard
Decision-Making Standard
Communication Standard
Assertiveness Standard

Section C: Risk Management Process

Four Rules of Risk Management
Risk Management Process, Step 1
Risk Management Process, Step 2
Risk Management Process, Step 3
Risk Management Process, Steps 4, 5, 6, & 7

Section D: Informal Crew Briefing and Debriefing

Informal Crew Briefing
Informal Crew Debrief

Chapter 5: First Aid

Section A: Crew Member’s Roles

Crew Responsibilities
Handling and Transporting of Injured

Section B: Treatment for Shock

Shock Syndromes
Anaphylactic Shock

Section C: Resuscitation Methods and Emergencies

Resuscitation Procedures
Heart Attack
Scuba Incidents

Section D: Treatment for Wounds, Fractures, and Burns

Fractures (Broken Bones)

Section E: Environmental Injuries

Emergencies Caused by Heat
Emergencies Caused by Cold
Fish Bites and Stings

Section F: Miscellaneous Emergencies

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Poisoning by Mouth
Eye Injuries

Chapter 6: Survival Equipment and Pyrotechnics

Section A: Personal Flotation Device (PFD)

Type I PFD
Type V PFD
PFD Storage and Care
PFD Survival Equipment
Standard Navy Preserver

Section B: Hypothermia Protective Clothing

Antiexposure Coverall
Dry Suit
Wet Suit

Section C: Headgear

Section D: Boat Crew Signal Kit

Emergency Signaling Mirror
Signal Whistle
Smoke and Illumination Signal, MK-124 MOD 0
Illumination Signal Kit, MK-79 MOD 0
Distress Signal Light

Section E: Personnel Survival Kit

Section F: Pyrotechnics

Section G: Rescue and Survival Raft

Section H: Emergency Procedures in the Event of Capsizing

Chapter 7: Marlinespike Seamanship

Section A: Types and Characteristics of Line

Line Characteristics
Natural Fiber Line
Synthetic Line

Section B: Inspection, Handling, Maintenance, and Stowage of Line

Uncoiling and Unreeling
Stowing Lines

Section C: Breaking Strength and Safe Working Load

Breaking Strength and Safe Working Load of a Line
Breaking Strength and Safe Working Load for Shackles and Hooks
Considerations and Limitations

Section D: Knots and Splices

Estimating the Length of a Line
Breaking Strength
Basic Knots
Mousing Hooks and Shackles

Section E: Line Handling and Deck Fittings

Deck Fittings
Line Handling

Appendix 7-A: Estimating the Breaking Strength and Safe Working Load of Lines7-75

Appendix 7-B: Estimating the Safe Working Load of Shackles

Appendix 7-C: Estimating the Safe Working Load of Hooks

Appendix 7-D: Eye Splice in Double Braid Line

Chapter 8: Boat Characteristics

Section A: Boat Nomenclature and Terminology

Section B: Boat Construction

Hull Types
Principal Boat Parts
Hatches and Doors
Boat Measurements

Section C: Watertight Integrity

Closing and Opening Watertight Doors and Hatches
Entering a Closed Compartment After Damage

Section D: General Boat Equipment

Section E: Troubleshooting Basic Mechanical Problems

Troubleshooting Diesel Engines
Troubleshooting Gasoline Inboard Engine (Except Outboards)
Casualties Common to Both Diesel and Gasoline Engines
Troubleshooting the Outboard
Steering Casualty
Basic Engine Maintenance for Auxiliary Facilities

Chapter 9: Stability

Section A: Safety and Risk Management Control

Section B: Understanding Stability

Center of Gravity
Types of Stability
Moment and Forces

Section C: Losing Stability

Stability After Damage
Free Surface Effect
Free Communication with the Sea
Effects of Icing
Effects of Downflooding
Effects of Water on Deck

Chapter 10: Boat Handling

Section A: Forces

Environmental Forces
Forces Acting on a Vessel
Shaft, Propeller, and Rudder
Outboard Motors and Stern Drives

Section B: Basic Maneuvering

Learning the Controls
Moving Forward in a Straight Line
Turning the Boat with the Helm
Stopping the Boat
Backing the Vessel
Using Asymmetric or Opposed Propulsion
Changing Vessel Heading Using Asymmetric or Opposed Propulsion
Performing Single-Screw Compound Maneuvering (Single Screw Theory)

Section C: Maneuvering Near Other Objects

Keeping Station

Section D: Maneuvering to or from a Dock

General Considerations
Basic Maneuvers
Rules of Thumb

Section E: Maneuvering Alongside Another Vessel

Determining Approach
Going Alongside

Section F: Maneuvering in Rough Weather

Using Caution
Negotiating Head Seas
Running Before a Sea
Traversing Beam Seas
Transiting Harbor Entrances, Inlets, or River Entrances
Coping with High Winds

Section G: Maneuvering in Rivers

Operating in a Narrow Channel
Turning in a Bend

Section H: Anchoring

General Information
Ground Tackle
Anchoring Techniques
Anchor Stowage

Chapter 11: Communications

Section A: Radio Signal Characteristics

Modulation and Frequency
Radio Systems
Radio Frequencies

Section B: Prowords and Common Abbreviations

Section C: Verbal Communications

The Phonetic Alphabet
Numbers and Decimal Points

Section D: Radio Operating Procedures

Section E: Communicating Between Coast Guard Facilities

Coast Guard Voice Call Signals and Ops Normal Reports
Bridge-to-Bridge Communications Required

Section F: Emergency Voice Communications and Distress Signals

Standard Voice Radio Urgency Calls
Emergency Position-Indicating Radiobeacon (EPIRB) and Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
Global Marine Distress and Safety System
Distress Signals

Section G: Radio Checks

Chapter 12: Weather and Oceanography

Section A: Weather

Thunderstorms and Lightning

Section B: Oceanography


Chapter 13: Aids to Navigation

Section A: U.S. Aids to Navigation System

Lateral and Cardinal Significance
General Characteristics of Short-Range ATONs
Summary of Lateral Significance of Buoys and Beacons

Section B: U.S. ATON System Variation

Intracoastal Waterway and Western Rivers
Uniform State Waterway Marking System

Section C: Short-Range Electronic Aids

Section D: Radionavigation Systems

Global Positioning System (GPS)
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
Radionavigation System Summary

Section E: The Light List

Chapter 14: Navigation

Section A: The Earth and its Coordinates

Lines and Circles
Chart Projections

Section B: Nautical Charts

The Compass Rose
Basic Chart Information
Scale of the Nautical Chart
Chart Symbols and Abbreviations
Buoy Symbols
Other Chart Symbols
Accuracy of Charts

Section C: Magnetic Compass

Components of a Magnetic Compass
Compass Error
Compass Adjustment
Applying Compass Error

Section D: Piloting

Basic Piloting Equipment
Distance, Speed, and Time
Fuel Consumption
Terms Used In Piloting
Laying the Course
Dead Reckoning (DR)
Basic Elements of Piloting
Plotting Bearings
Line of Position (LOP)
Set and Drift (Current Sailing)
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)

Section E: River Sailing

Major Piloting Differences
Conditions and Effects
Locks and Dams
Safety Considerations Around Navigation Dams
Flood Warnings
Common River Sailing Terms

Chapter 15: Search and Rescue

Section A: Organization and Responsibility

Coast Guard Responsibility
Search and Rescue Coordination

Section B: SAR Emergency Phases

Section C: Legal Aspects and U.S. Coast Guard Policy

SAR Agreements
Distress Beacon Incidents
Flare Incidents
Hoaxes and False Alarms
Maritime SAR Assistance Policy
General Salvage Policy (Other Than Towing)
General Issues

Section D: SAR Incident Information

Initial SAR Information
Additional SAR Information

Section E: Search Planning

Search Area Description
Search Patterns
Initial Response
Search Area Coverage

Section F: Search Preparations

Section G: Conducting a Search

Chapter 16: Person in the Water Recovery

Section A: Recovery Methods

General Man Overboard Procedures
The Approach
Sailboat Approaches
Approaching in Low Visibility
Approaching Under Surf Conditions

Section B: Water Survival Skills

Cold Water Survivability
Survival Techniques

Chapter 17: Towing

Section A: Towing Safety

Assessment and Awareness
Risk Management Planning

Section B: Forces in Towing

Static Forces
Dynamic Forces
Combination of Forces and Shock-Load

Section C: Towing Equipment

Towlines and Accessories
Chafing Gear
Deck Fittings and Other Fittings
Other Equipment

Section D: Standard Towing Procedures

Pre-Towing Procedures
Towing Astern
Connecting Tow Rig to Fittings
Connecting Tow Rig to a Trailer Eye
Transition to Stern Tow
Underway with Stern Tow
Compensating for Current
Shortening the Tow
Towing Alongside
Sinking Tows

Appendix 17-A: Towing Precautions

Chapter 18: Firefighting, Rescue, and Assistance

Section A: Safety and Damage Control

Coast Guard Firefighting Activities Policy
Safety Assessment and Management Guidelines

Section B: Boat Fire Prevention and Susceptible Areas

Preventive Actions
Susceptible Areas

Section C: Fire Theory, Classifications, and Fuel Sources

Fire Theory
Classifications of Fires and Fuel Sources

Section D: Extinguishing Agents

Section E: Applying Extinguishing Agents

Applying Water
Applying Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)
Applying Chemical Agents
Applying Halon
Applying FE-241

Section F: Firefighting Equipment

Fire Hose
Spanner Wrench
Fire Monitor
In-Line Proportioner
Mechanical Foam Nozzle
Drop Pump and AFFF
Fire Axe
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extinguishers
Dry Chemical Extinguishers (PKP)

Section G: Firefighting Procedures

Coast Guard’s Firefighting Duty
Safety Precautions

Section H: Extinguishing Fires

Safety Rules
Fire Combat
Firefighting Procedures on Coast Guard Boats
Firefighting Procedures on Auxiliary Boats
Fires Aboard Other Boats
Fire Under Control
Fire Extinguished
Abandoning a Boat

Section I: Dewatering

Action Before Dewatering
Dewatering with an Eductor
Dewatering Using a Drop Pump

Section J: Righting Powerboats and Sailboats

Righting Powerboats
Righting Small Sailboats
Righting Large Sailboats

Section K: Flood Control

Plugging Holes
Patching Holes
Patching Cracks

Chapter 19: Air Operations

Section A: Helicopters and Equipment

HH-65A Dolphin
HH-60J Jayhawk
Other Helicopter Equipment

Section B: Helicopter Rescue Operations

Rescue Swimmer
Helicopter Hoisting Operations
Helicopter Boat Positioning
Delivery of the Rescue Device

Section C: Helicopter Ditching

Section D: Helicopter Salvage and Towing

Section E: Fixed-Wing Aircraft

Appendix 19-A: Sample Briefing to Pass to Vessel Prior to Helicopter Hoisting

Appendix A

Fictitious Nautical Chart
Visual Buoyage Guide
U.S. Aids to Navigation System
U.S. Aids to Navigation System (Western Rivers)

Appendix B: Heavy Weather Addendum

Section A: Heavy Weather Wave and Surf Characteristics

Waves in Heavy Weather
Observing and Measuring Waves
Surf Zone

Section B: Heavy Weather Boat Handling

Control of Effects
Boat Handling

Section C: Heavy Weather Piloting

Equipment Condition
Specific Techniques
Heavy Weather Person in the Water Recovery
Man Overboard
Recovery of a PIW
Use of a Surface Swimmer
Multiple PIWs

Section E. Surf Operations

Risk Management and Safety Conditions
Forces Affecting Boat Handling in Surf
Basic Surf Operations

Acronyms and Abbreviations



Make the U.S. Coast Guard your first mate

The Small-Boat Seamanship Manual contains all the information found in the Coast Guard's official 1,200-page training manual, giving you access to the highest standards of seamanship practiced and perfected by professional mariners. In addition to in-depth coverage of boat handling and navigation, you’ll find instructions for dealing with extreme situations, including search and rescue, towing, firefighting, vessel flood management, righting capsized boats, and maneuvering in heavy surf. You’ll also learn about

  • Steering with a broken hydraulic line
  • Close-quarters maneuvering
  • Using the right lines and knots
  • Capsize prevention, precautions, and survival techniques
  • Change-of-course maneuvers to reduce icing and freezing spray
  • Plugging and patching holes for flood control
  • Predicting weather
  • And much more

This is the U.S. Coast Guard's primary training resource for boat handling and seamanship in conditions ranging from benign to extreme. Now this accumulated wisdom is yours with the Small-Boat Seamanship Manual.