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Seven Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters: The GEM Power Formula For Lifelong Success

1st Edition
0071470719 · 9780071470711
Revealed for the first time -- the exclusive formula for business success practiced by thousands of entrepreneurs Allen E. Fishman, founder and CEO of The Alternative Board TAB®, interviewed top entrepreneurs, identifying their common traits and pr… Read More
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Revealed for the first time -- the exclusive formula for business success practiced by thousands of entrepreneurs

Allen E. Fishman, founder and CEO of The Alternative Board TAB®, interviewed top entrepreneurs, identifying their common traits and practices to create the GEM Power formula. As a business leader, speaker, and Great Entrepreneurial Master himself, he has taught the formula to thousands of businesspeople. Now, in Seven Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters, he shares these secrets with you. Filled with thought-provoking written exercises, savvy advice, and inspiring anecdotes, the book takes readers on a journey of guided introspection to help them balance work and life for maximum success and happiness.