Schaum's Outline of Strength of Materials, Seventh Edition
7th Edition
© 2020 | Published: September 26, 2019
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Chapter 1 Tension and Compression
1.1 A Review of Forces and Moments
1.2 Stresses in an Axially Loaded Bar
1.3 Strain in an Axially Loaded Bar
1.3.1 Stress-Strain Diagrams
1.3.2 Factor of Safety
1.3.3 Hooke’s Law
1.3.4 Thermal Strain
1.4 Indeterminate Members
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 2 Shear Stresses
2.1 Shear Force and Shear Stress
2.2 Strain Due to Shear
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 3 Combined Stresses
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Plane Stress
3.3 Principal Stresses and Maximum Shearing Stress
3.4 Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 4 Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Spherical Pressure Vessels
4.3 Cylindrical Pressure Vessels
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 5 Torsion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Torsional Shearing Stress
5.3 Torsional Shearing Strain
5.4 Power Transmission
5.5 Statically Indeterminate Shafts
5.6 Combined Stresses
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 6 Forces and Moments in Beams
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Forces and Moments
6.3 Shear and Moment Diagrams
6.4 Singularity Functions
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 7 Stresses in Beams
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Bending Stresses
7.3 Shearing Stresses
7.4 Combined Stresses
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 8 Deflection of Beams
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The Elastic Curve Differential Equation
8.3 Deflections by Integration
8.4 Deflections Using Singularity Functions
8.5 Deflections Using Superposition
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 9 Statically Indeterminate Beams
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Solutions Using the Elastic Curve
9.3 Solutions Using Superposition
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 10 Columns
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Buckling of a Long, Slender Column
10.3 Eccentrically Loaded Columns
10.4 Empirical Column Formulas
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 11 Fatigue
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Appendix Tables from Various Chapters for Quick Reference
Practice Exams
Final Exams
Solutions to Practice Exams and Final Exams
Chapter 1 Tension and Compression
1.1 A Review of Forces and Moments
1.2 Stresses in an Axially Loaded Bar
1.3 Strain in an Axially Loaded Bar
1.3.1 Stress-Strain Diagrams
1.3.2 Factor of Safety
1.3.3 Hooke’s Law
1.3.4 Thermal Strain
1.4 Indeterminate Members
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 2 Shear Stresses
2.1 Shear Force and Shear Stress
2.2 Strain Due to Shear
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 3 Combined Stresses
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Plane Stress
3.3 Principal Stresses and Maximum Shearing Stress
3.4 Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 4 Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Spherical Pressure Vessels
4.3 Cylindrical Pressure Vessels
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 5 Torsion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Torsional Shearing Stress
5.3 Torsional Shearing Strain
5.4 Power Transmission
5.5 Statically Indeterminate Shafts
5.6 Combined Stresses
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 6 Forces and Moments in Beams
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Forces and Moments
6.3 Shear and Moment Diagrams
6.4 Singularity Functions
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 7 Stresses in Beams
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Bending Stresses
7.3 Shearing Stresses
7.4 Combined Stresses
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 8 Deflection of Beams
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The Elastic Curve Differential Equation
8.3 Deflections by Integration
8.4 Deflections Using Singularity Functions
8.5 Deflections Using Superposition
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 9 Statically Indeterminate Beams
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Solutions Using the Elastic Curve
9.3 Solutions Using Superposition
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 10 Columns
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Buckling of a Long, Slender Column
10.3 Eccentrically Loaded Columns
10.4 Empirical Column Formulas
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 11 Fatigue
Solved Problems
Supplementary Problems
Appendix Tables from Various Chapters for Quick Reference
Practice Exams
Final Exams
Solutions to Practice Exams and Final Exams
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
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More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum’s is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
Schaum’s Outline of Strength of Materials, Seventh Edition is packed with twenty-two mini practice exams, and hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills. This updated guide approaches the subject in a more concise, ordered manner than most standard texts, which are often filled with extraneous material.
Schaum’s Outline of Strength of Materials, Seventh Edition features:
• 455 fully-solved problems
• 68 examples
• 22 mini practice exams
• 2 final exams
• 22 problem-solving videos
• Extra practice on topics such as determinate force systems, torsion, cantilever beams, and more
• Clear, concise explanations of all strength of materials concepts
• Content supplements the major leading textbooks in strength of materials
• Content that is appropriate for Strength of Materials, Mechanics of Materials, Introductory Structural Analysis, and Mechanics and Strength of Materials courses
PLUS: Access to the revised website and new app, containing 22 problem-solving videos, and more.
Schaum’s reinforces the main concepts required in your course and offers hundreds of practice exercises to help you succeed. Use Schaum’s to shorten your study time—and get your best test scores!
Schaum’s Outlines—Problem solved.
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?
Fortunately, there’s Schaum’s.
More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum’s is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
Schaum’s Outline of Strength of Materials, Seventh Edition is packed with twenty-two mini practice exams, and hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills. This updated guide approaches the subject in a more concise, ordered manner than most standard texts, which are often filled with extraneous material.
Schaum’s Outline of Strength of Materials, Seventh Edition features:
• 455 fully-solved problems
• 68 examples
• 22 mini practice exams
• 2 final exams
• 22 problem-solving videos
• Extra practice on topics such as determinate force systems, torsion, cantilever beams, and more
• Clear, concise explanations of all strength of materials concepts
• Content supplements the major leading textbooks in strength of materials
• Content that is appropriate for Strength of Materials, Mechanics of Materials, Introductory Structural Analysis, and Mechanics and Strength of Materials courses
PLUS: Access to the revised website and new app, containing 22 problem-solving videos, and more.
Schaum’s reinforces the main concepts required in your course and offers hundreds of practice exercises to help you succeed. Use Schaum’s to shorten your study time—and get your best test scores!
Schaum’s Outlines—Problem solved.