Schaum's Outline of Principles of Accounting I, Fifth Edition

5th Edition
0071635386 · 9780071635387
Confused by accounting? Problem solved.Schaum's Outline of Principles of Accounting I helps you understand basic accounting concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as debits, credits, the chart of accounts, the ledger, inventory measurement,… Read More
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Schaum's Outline of Principles of Accounting I, 5ed

1. Accounting Concepts
2. Financial Statements
3. Analyzing and Classifying Transactions, Examination I
4. Recording Transactions
5. Repetitive Transactions
6. Adjusting and Closing Procedures, Examination II
7. Summarizing and Reporting Via the Service Business Work Sheet
8. Summarizing and Reporting Via the Merchandising
9. Business Work Sheet
10. Costing Merchandise Inventory
11. Alternative Inventory Valuation Methods
12. Repetitive Transactions 13. Capital and Equity, Examination III
14. Receivables and Payables
15. Cash and Its Control
16. Payroll
17. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Depreciation
18. Property, Plant, and Equipment: Disposal and Taxation
19. Examination IV
20. Final Examination.

Confused by accounting? Problem solved.

Schaum's Outline of Principles of Accounting I helps you understand basic accounting concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as debits, credits, the chart of accounts, the ledger, inventory measurement, net realizable value, recovery of bad debts, and methods for computing interest. Coverage also includes fixed assets, depreciation and scrap value, methods of depreciation, payroll, and payroll taxes.

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ISBN10: 0071702431 | ISBN13: 9780071702430

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ISBN10: 0071635386 | ISBN13: 9780071635387
