Schaum's Outline of Calculus for Business, Economics and Finance, Fourth Edition

4th Edition
1264266855 · 9781264266852
The most useful tool for reviewing mathematical methods for economics classes—now with more contentSchaum’s Outline of Calculus for Business, Economics and Finance, Fourth Edition is the go-to study guide for help in economics courses, mirroring … Read More
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The most useful tool for reviewing mathematical methods for economics classes—now with more content

Schaum’s Outline of Calculus for Business, Economics and Finance, Fourth Edition is the go-to study guide for help in economics courses, mirroring the courses in scope and sequence to help you understand basic concepts and get extra practice in topics like multivariable functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and more. 

With an outline format that facilitates quick and easy review, Schaum’s Outline of Calculus for Business, Economics and Finance, Fourth Edition supports the major bestselling textbooks in economics courses and is useful for a variety of classes, including Introduction to Economics, Economics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economics Theories, Mathematical Economics, Math for Economists and Math for Social Sciences. Chapters include Economic Applications of Graphs and Equations, The Derivative and the Rules of Differentiation, Calculus of Multivariable Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions in Economics, Special Determinants and Matrices and Their Use in Economics, First-Order Differential Equations, and more.


  • NEW in this edition: Additional problems at the end of each chapter
  • NEW in this edition: An additional chapter on sequences and series
  • NEW in this edition: Two computer applications of Linear Programming in Excel
  • 710 fully solved problems
  • Outline format to provide a concise guide for study for standard college courses in mathematical economics
  • Clear, concise explanations covers all course fundamentals
  • Supplements the major bestselling textbooks in economics courses
  • Appropriate for the following courses: Introduction to Economics, Economics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economics Theories, Mathematical Economics, Math for Economists, Math for Social Sciences

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ISBN10: 1264266863 | ISBN13: 9781264266869

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ISBN10: 1264266855 | ISBN13: 9781264266852
