Read & Think Italian, Premium Third Edition

3rd Edition
1260474550 · 9781260474558
Your first-class ticket to building better Italian language skills—and appreciating the diversity of Italian-speaking culture!From the bestselling Read & Think series, this fully illustrated premium third edition of Read & Think Italian bri… Read More
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Your first-class ticket to building better Italian language skills—and appreciating the diversity of Italian-speaking culture!

From the bestselling Read & Think series, this fully illustrated premium third edition of Read & Think Italian brings the Italian language to life! In addition to introducing, developing, and growing key vocabulary, this book gives you an insider’s look at the exciting diversity of life and culture in Italy—from a typical Italian workday and Italian wedding traditions to the glamorous world of Italian fashion—with city tours of Rome, Venice, Naples and Verona along the way.

Including more than 100 engaging articles written by native Italian speakers, each one provides a bilingual glossary on the same page, allowing you to learn without stopping to look up new or unfamiliar words. Each chapter contains several exercises to reinforce comprehension. This edition features streaming audio recordings of 35 readings (more than 2 hours), supported by the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app.

Read & Think Italian, Premium Third Edition features:

• New articles reflecting the current aspects of life in Italy
• New and expanded materials in the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app (free online and via mobile)
• App includes flashcards of more than 7,000 vocabulary terms
• App includes streaming audio recordings of 45 readings (requires Internet connection)

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ISBN10: 1260474569 | ISBN13: 9781260474565

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ISBN10: 1260474550 | ISBN13: 9781260474558
