Principles of Digital Audio, Sixth Edition

6th Edition
0071663460 · 9780071663465
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The definitive guide to digital engineering--fully updated… Read More
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1. Sound and Numbers; 2. Fundamentals of Digital Audio; 3. Digital Audio Recording; 4. Digital Audio Reproduction; 5. Error Correction; 6. Optical Disc Storage; 7. Compact Disc; 8. DVD; 9. Blu-ray; 10. Low Bit-Rate Coding: Theory and Evaluation; 11. Low Bit-Rate Coding: Codec Design; 12. Speech Coding for Transmission; 13. Audio Interconnection; 14. Personal Computer Audio; 15. Telecommunications and Internet Audio; 16. Digital Radio and Television Broadcasting; 17. Digital Signal Processing; 18. Sigma-Delta Conversion and Noise Shaping;Appendix. The Sampling Theorem; Bibliography; Index

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

The definitive guide to digital engineering--fully updated

Gain a thorough understanding of digital audio tools, techniques, and practices from this completely revised and expanded resource. Written by industry pioneer and Audio Engineering Society Fellow Ken C. Pohlmann, Principles of Digital Audio, Sixth Edition, describes the technologies behind today's audio equipment in a clear, practical style. Covering basic theory to the latest technological advancements, the book explains how to apply digital conversion, processing, compression, storage, streaming, and transmission concepts. New chapters on Blu-ray, speech coding, and low bit-rate coding are also included in this bestselling guide.

  • Learn about discrete time sampling, quantization, and signal processing
  • Examine details of CD, DVD, and Blu-ray players and discs
  • Encode and decode AAC, MP3, MP4, Dolby Digital, and other files
  • Prepare content for distribution via the Internet and digital radio and television
  • Learn the critical differences between music coding and speech coding
  • Design low bit-rate codecs to optimize memory capacity while preserving fidelity
  • Develop methodologies to evaluate the sound quality of music and speech files
  • Study audio transmission via HDMI, VoIP, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth
  • Handle digital rights management, fingerprinting, and watermarking
  • Understand how one-bit conversion and high-order noise shaping work

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ISBN10: 0071663479 | ISBN13: 9780071663472

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ISBN10: 0071663460 | ISBN13: 9780071663465
