Practice Makes Perfect Chemistry Review and Workbook, Second Edition

2nd Edition
1260135179 · 9781260135176
The Winning Equation for Success in Chemistry is Practice, Practice, Practice!This book will help you apply concepts and see how chemistry topics are interconnected. Inside are numerous lessons to help you better understand the subject. These lessons… Read More
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The Winning Equation for Success in Chemistry is Practice, Practice, Practice!
This book will help you apply concepts and see how chemistry topics are interconnected. Inside are numerous lessons to help you better understand the subject. These lessons are accompanied by dozens of exercises to practice what you’ve learned, along with a complete answer key to check your work. 
Throughout this book you will learn the terms to help you understand chemistry, and you will expand your knowledge of the subject through hundreds of sample questions and their solutions. With the lessons in this book, you will find it easier than ever to grasp chemistry concepts. And with a variety of exercises for practice, you will gain confidence using your growing chemistry skills in your classwork and on exams.
YOU’LL BE ON YOUR WAY TO MASTERING THESE TOPICS AND MORE• Atomic structure• The periodic table• Chemical formulas• Chemical reactions• Mass and mole relationships• Gas laws• Solutions• Acids and bases• Thermochemistry• A brand-new chapter on the structure of molecules

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ISBN10: 1260135187 | ISBN13: 9781260135183

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ISBN10: 1260135179 | ISBN13: 9781260135176
