Practice Makes Perfect: Basic French, Premium Third Edition

3rd Edition
1264257317 · 9781264257317
Gain the language skills you want with this bestselling French workbook! Practice Makes Perfect: Basic French is the proven companion to your French-learning experience. In each bite-sized lesson, the author explains one—and only one—grammar con… Read More
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Gain the language skills you want with this bestselling French workbook! 

Practice Makes Perfect: Basic French is the proven companion to your French-learning experience. In each bite-sized lesson, the author explains one—and only one—grammar concept and illustrates it with clear examples. These lessons are purposefully short, so you can complete them in twenty minutes or less, and go at a pace that works for you.

You will, of course, get plenty of practice, practice, practice using your new skills. This new edition is accompanied by flashcards and new audio recordings, available online and via app, that will provide a new dimension and flexibility to your study. Whether you are learning on your own or taking a beginning class, this book will build your confidence in French.

Practice Makes Perfect: Basic French features:

  • Hundreds of engaging exercises enhanced with digital support through iOS, Android, and a desktop application, featuring vocabulary flashcards, exercise answer keys, and self-testing recording and replaying functions
  • Streaming audio recordings for all exercise answers in French
  • Record yourself and replay function to compare against native speakers
  • NEW: Full chapter of review exercises
  • NEW: Audio practice focused on French sounds that learners find difficult to pronounce correctly

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ISBN10: 1264257325 | ISBN13: 9781264257324

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ISBN10: 1264257317 | ISBN13: 9781264257317
