Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced English Grammar for ESL Learners, Second Edition

2nd Edition
1260010864 · 9781260010862
Take your English Grammar skills to the next level and speak with confidence!To fully understand how to speak English effectively you must move beyond the fundamental principles of grammar and tackle more sophisticated sentence constructions. Practic… Read More
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Take your English Grammar skills to the next level and speak with confidence!

To fully understand how to speak English effectively you must move beyond the fundamental principles of grammar and tackle more sophisticated sentence constructions. Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced English Grammar for ESL Learners focuses on intermediate- to advanced-level topics to help you create more complex, meaningful sentences and communicate more naturally.

Instead of just applying sets of rules, Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced English Grammar for ESL Learners helps you better understand the nuances of the language and develop your skills and confident as a native speaker by providing easy-to-absorb explanatory materials, examples, and exercises. Inside you will find:

• Dozens of exercises in formats suited to your learning style

• Example sentences that illustrate and clarify each grammatical point

• A detailed answer key for quick, easy progress checks

• Diagnostic exercises, new to this second edition, that help identify topics that require special attention

Learn the Ins and Outs of:

Non-count nouns • Possessives formed with of • Articles and quantifiers • Deriving adjectives from verb participles • Key rules for verb forms and tenses • Modal auxiliary verbs • Get passives • Restrictive and nonrestrictive adjective clauses •Identifying gerunds and infinitives • The use of noun clauses

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ISBN10: 1260010872 | ISBN13: 9781260010879

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ISBN10: 1260010864 | ISBN13: 9781260010862
