Physical Therapist Assistant Examination Review and Test-Taking Skills

1st Edition
1264268882 · 9781264268887
The insights, skills, and practice you need to ace the Physical Therapist Assistant certification examThis unmatched guide provides everything you need to prepare for the National Physical Therapist Assistant Exam, including a breakdown of the NPTAE … Read More
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The insights, skills, and practice you need to ace the Physical Therapist Assistant certification exam

This unmatched guide provides everything you need to prepare for the National Physical Therapist Assistant Exam, including a breakdown of the NPTAE format, a comprehensive content review of all body systems, clinical tips, yellow and red flags, testing strategies, and sample questions.

In addition to studying content and understanding testing strategies, taking multiple practice exams is a critical preparation step for success on the NPTAE. To that end, this book provides two 200-question practice examinations formatted in the style of the NPTAE. Additional practice questions are available online, along with AccessPT videos.

PTA Examination Review and Test Taking Skills provides:

  • FSBPT Site Information Overview, including exam description, details about duration, number of questions, and when the exam is offered
  • Test-Taking Strategies, including advice on how long to spend on each question, whether or not to skip questions, and how to avoid distractions
  • Practice Exams: two 200-question tests, complete with rationales for both the correct and incorrect answers
  • Chapters covering such topics as Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy, Pediatric and Geriatric Physical Therapy, and Therapeutic Exercise Foundations

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ISBN10: 1264268890 | ISBN13: 9781264268894

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ISBN10: 1264268882 | ISBN13: 9781264268887
