Perfect Phrases in American Sign Language for Beginners

1st Edition
0071598774 · 9780071598774
Quick and easy phrases in ASL for daily lifePerfect Phrases for American Sign Language provides 150 essential phrases for hearing-impaired users of ASL and those who interact with them. ASL expert Barbara Bernstein Fant--carrying on the work of her l… Read More
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1. Basic Sentence Types
2. Question Signs
3. Greetings, Introductions, and Common Expressions
4. Getting Better Acquainted
5. Signing and Deafness
6. Health
7. Numbers, Time, Dates, and Money
8. Technology
9. Holidays and Occasions
10. Additional Vocabulary
Appendix: The Manual Alphabet

Quick and easy phrases in ASL for daily life

Perfect Phrases for American Sign Language provides 150 essential phrases for hearing-impaired users of ASL and those who interact with them. ASL expert Barbara Bernstein Fant--carrying on the work of her late husband Lou--and illustrator Betty Miller make it easy for you to pick up key signs for everyday communication without having to have prior knowledge of signing. This handy reference is perfect for comfortably and confidently communicating with loved ones, coworkers, patients, or anyone who uses ASL.

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ISBN10: 0071642390 | ISBN13: 9780071642392

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ISBN10: 0071598774 | ISBN13: 9780071598774
