Oil Spills and Gas Leaks: Environmental Response, Prevention and Cost Recovery

1st Edition
0071772898 · 9780071772891
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The definitive guide to petroleum hydrocarbon fuel spill a… Read More
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Ch 1. Introduction: Role of Fossil Fuels and Societies
Ch 2. Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas Deposits
Ch 3. Oil and Gas Well Drilling
Ch 4. Behavior of Oil Spills in Various Environments
Ch 5. Behavior of Gas Leaks in Various Environments
Ch 6. Assessment of Spills and Leaks
Ch 7. Toxicity Issues and Exposure Pathways
Ch 8. Remediation Treatment Methods
Ch 9. Costs of Remediation, Cost Recovery and Mitigation Costs
Ch 10. Prevention, Oversight and Mitigation
Ch 11. Regulatory Perspectives on Environmental Policy
Ch 12. Political and Legal Issues
Ch 13. Conclusions and Recommendations
Ch 14. Case Histories
Ch 15. Conclusions and Recommendations
App A. Glossary of Technical Terms and Acronyms
App B. Bibliography and Websites
App C. Additional Calculations and Information
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
The definitive guide to petroleum hydrocarbon fuel spill and leak causes, prevention, response, and cost recovery

Oil Spills and Gas Leaks highlights the complex nature of petroleum hydrocarbon fuel extraction methods, the unintended consequences when disasters occur, spill behavior, and environmental impact mitigation. This practical resource discusses engineering techniques; long-term biological and environmental effects; dealing with insurance claims, litigation, and legislation in overlapping jurisdictions; and much more. Featuring global case studies and best practices, this timely volumeprovides an in-depth understanding of how oil spills and gas leaks occur and describes the most effective environmental assessment, remediation, and restoration options available to respond to these industrial accidents.


  • The role of petroleum hydrocarbon fuels in society
  • Geology and geochemistry of oil and gas deposits
  • Oil and gas well drilling and production issues
  • Behavior of oil spills in various environments
  • Behavior of gas leaks in various environments
  • Assessment of spills and leaks
  • Toxicity issues and exposure pathways
  • Subsurface investigations
  • Sampling strategies and remedial approaches
  • Sampling methods on land and offshore
  • Prevention, oversight, and mitigation
  • Remediation of oil spills
  • Case histories and cost recovery
  • Oil spills and wildlife
  • Oil spills and safety issues
  • Conclusions and recommendations

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ISBN10: 0071772901 | ISBN13: 9780071772907

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ISBN10: 0071772898 | ISBN13: 9780071772891
