Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions, Second Edition, Volume 1

2nd Edition
1259863506 · 9781259863509
150 Real GRE Quantitative Reasoning questions – direct from the test maker!The best way to prepare for the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE® General Test is with real GRE test questions—and that is what you will find in this unique guid… Read More
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150 Real GRE Quantitative Reasoning questions – direct from the test maker!

The best way to prepare for the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE® General Test is with real GRE test questions—and that is what you will find in this unique guide. Specially created by the actual test maker, it offers 150 actual GRE Quantitative Reasoning questions with complete explanations. Plus, this guide includes a review of math topics likely to appear on Quantitative Reasoning measure.

Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the test. For in-depth practice and accurate, reliable test preparation for the GRE Quantitative Reasoning measure, this guide is your best choice!

This essential study guide features:
• Authentic GRE Quantitative Reasoning practice questions, arranged by content and question type -- to help you build your test-taking skills -- plus, mixed practice tests
• Answers and explanations for every question!
• GRE Math Review covering math topics you need to know for the test
• ETS’s own test-taking strategies: Valuable hints and tips to help you do your best
• Official information on the GRE Quantitative Reasoning measure: The facts about the test content, scoring, and more – straight from ETS


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ISBN10: 1259863514 | ISBN13: 9781259863516

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ISBN10: 1259863506 | ISBN13: 9781259863509
