Medication Therapy Management, Second Edition

2nd Edition
1260108457 · 9781260108453
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Discover the medication therapy management solution—with this definitive, up-to-date sourcebook 
The need to improve the use of medications has major implications for the nation’s healthcare system. Burdened by high costs and an ineffective process of providing medication therapy, the current prescription drug environment poses considerable risks to patient safety. 
Medication therapy management (MTM) is designed to address these deficiencies—and this essential text gives pharmacists all the right MTM tools to identify and eliminate drug-related problems that can cause potentially severe adverse events. 
Medication Therapy Management delivers the most relevant insights into MTM—a vital service that is gaining momentum due to the rapid growth of patient-centered care, healthcare information technology, new practice models (e.g., Patient Centered Medical Home), and new payment methods. Cohesively organized, this expert-authored guide begins with an introduction to data sets for MTM, covering essential topics such as establishing quality and performance improvement, the payer perspective, conducting the comprehensive medication review, and reimbursement. The second part of Medication Therapy Management reviews MTM data sets for a wide spectrum of disorders, from asthma and atrial fibrillation to HIV and heart disease. 
Enhanced by the latest perspectives on therapeutics, including completely up-to-date tables throughout, Medication Therapy Management is a practical, skill-building roadmap for optimizing drug therapy and enhancing patient outcomes.  
• Everything you need to provide successful MTM services and empower patients to take an active role in their medication and overall healthcare 
• Turnkey disease-based data sets help you apply proven MTM principles to common disorders 
• Helpful appendices cover therapy management characteristics and answers to key questions; the MTM practice model and training survey; and the Medicare Part D MTM program standardized format 

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ISBN10: 1260143694 | ISBN13: 9781260143690

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ISBN10: 1260108457 | ISBN13: 9781260108453
