McGraw Hill SAT Elite 2023

1st Edition
1264588801 · 9781264588800
Ace the SAT with the most comprehensive review available—a complete book + online study course, 8 full-length practice tests, and a “200 Elite Tools for Top-Scoring Students” bonus section!Get the most robust SAT review and study package availa… Read More
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Ace the SAT with the most comprehensive review available—a complete book + online study course, 8 full-length practice tests, and a “200 Elite Tools for Top-Scoring Students” bonus section!

Get the most robust SAT review and study package available with McGraw Hill SAT Elite 2023. It’s a complete coaching system, combining print and online resources to offer the most effective use of your study time so you can feel super-confident on test day.

Revised and updated to match the official SAT, McGraw Hill SAT Elite 2023 is packed with test-taking strategies and more than 700 skill-building exercises covering every aspect of the test, including Advanced Analytical Vocabulary and the best Reading comprehension prep available. You’ll also get practice materials for every type of question you’ll see on the test, helpful instructions and explanations for all aspects of the exam, as well as 8 full-length practice tests, fully explained answers, access to an excellent online course, and a bonus section: “200 Elite Tools for Top-Scoring Students.”


  • 8 full-length practice SATs: 5 in the book and 3 online
  • 200 Elite tools for Top-Scoring Students
  • Access to the online course
  • Expanded lessons for the most-tested SAT topics
  • The most comprehensive review on the market, with extensive instructions
  • 700+ extra exercises to master every skill on the SAT
  • Instructions and explanations for all aspects of the exam
  • Advanced Analytical Vocabulary

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ISBN10: 1264591365 | ISBN13: 9781264591367

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ISBN10: 1264588801 | ISBN13: 9781264588800
