Lean Retail and Wholesale

1st Edition
0071829857 · 9780071829854
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Part I – Current State1.Introduction Why it is critically important at this time to examine the current "state" of Lean in Wholesale, Distribution and Retail; Wholesale, Distribution and Retail – definitions and opportunities2.Brief history of implementation and expansion of Lean (from Manufacturing to Service)3.Is Lean right for Service Industries. When, where, and why Lean can help in the Retail, Wholesale and Distribution industries4.Cases/examples – some success storiesPart II – Future State5.Thinking LeanDefinitions; Value Stream Mapping; Standardized Work and Visual Workplace; 5S or Workplace Organization; Mistake Proofing and Quality at the Source; One Piece Flow and Pull Systems (with Work Cells); Total Productive Maintenance6.Being LeanOffice/Administration (with cases/examples, including Customer Service, Purchasing, Accounting, Sales and Marketing and Human Resources; Warehouse (with cases/examples); Stores (with cases/examples)7. Staying Lean - Leadership, Culture, Teams and Training and other "soft skill" tools with examples of where this has workedCases/examples8.Becoming Even LeanerPartnering Lean with Suppliers – expanding Lean beyond your "four walls" (Cases/examples); Increased use of Technology – enabling Lean with added visibility and collaboration (Cases/ examples); Lean Six Sigma vs. "traditional" Lean in Retail and Wholesale – when and where Lean Six Sigma is useful and how it works (Cases/examples); "How-To" Methodology – One size does NOT fit all!Part III – Conclusions9.Critical Thinking and Continuous Improvement – analytical tools and how to use them in Lean Thinking (including education and training)10.Defining and Measuring "Success" – What and how to measure along with some current statistics on the subjectLean Assessment Tool; Metrics and Measurement; Sustaining the gains11.The Way Forward – thoughts and suggestions on the future of Lean in Retail, Wholesale and Distribution (author and Wholesale/Retail "thought leaders")
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Best practices for implementing Lean techniques in retail and wholesale

Lean Retail & Wholesale is a highly insightful and succinct guide to lean application and a valuable resource for any retailer or wholesaler seeking a competitive edge.” --APICS Magazine, January/February 2015

“Essential reading for those who want to learn how Lean provides a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced, multi-channel, and cost-conscious environment.” --Mark Temkin, Director, Demand Planning, Barnes & Noble, Inc.

“Provides an enlightening perspective on the applications of Lean principles to the increasingly challenging worlds of the retail and wholesale sectors.” --Professor C. John Langley, Jr., Penn State University

Featuring real-world case studies, this practical, streamlined guide reveals how utilize a comprehensive Lean methodology throughout retail and wholesale businesses to reduce costs and improve productivity, quality, customer service, and profitability. Lean Retail and Wholesale examines Lean opportunities from the viewpoint of retail strategy, merchandise management, and store and distribution operations and provides a holistic, systematic approach for identifying and eliminating non-value-added activities. The Lean techniques presented can be applied to traditional brick-and-mortar wholesalers and retailers as well as e-businesses.

Coverage includes:

  • Using Lean as a tool to survive and thrive in retail and wholesale
  • (R)evolution of retail--from the general store to e-commerce
  • The Lean journey from goods to services
  • Lean retail and wholesale: early signs of promise
  • Basic Lean concepts and tools: building a solid foundation
  • Advanced Lean concepts and tools: K.I.S.S. (keep it simple and straightforward)
  • Retail strategy: sales and marketing, location, human resources management, IT, supply chain management, and customer relationship management
  • Merchandise management: planning, buying, pricing, and communications
  • Store operations management
  • Lean retail and wholesale distribution
  • Lean assessments and value stream mapping
  • Leadership, culture, teams, and training
  • Partnering, outsourcing, import, technology, and Six Sigma
  • Critical thinking and continuous improvement: methodology, education, training, and analytics
  • Defining and measuring success—measurements and current statistics
  • The road ahead: thoughts and suggestions on the future of Lean in retail and wholesale

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