Lange Review Ultrasonography Examination: Fifth Edition

5th Edition
1260441350 · 9781260441352
Trust the #1 selling ultrasonography study guide—1,000+ images, 3,000 review questions/answers, content from leading experts in the fieldLange Review Ultrasonography Examination has long been the go-to guide for anyone seeking certification or rece… Read More
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Trust the #1 selling ultrasonography study guide—1,000+ images, 3,000 review questions/answers, content from leading experts in the field

Lange Review Ultrasonography Examination has long been the go-to guide for anyone seeking certification or recertification in ultrasonography.

This unbeatable study aid summarizes the entire ultrasonography curriculum in concise, readable narrative, helping you understand and retain key concepts. Covering the latest ultrasonography technologies and techniques, this new edition brings you fully up to date on the topics you need to know most—and it includes all-new chapters on 3D sonography in obstetrics and gynecology, musculoskeletal ultrasound, and breast sonography.

With its authoritative and engaging coverage combined with thousands of sample questions and detailed answers that reinforce learning, Lange Review Ultrasonography Examination provides the fully rounded learning experience you need to ace the exam.

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ISBN10: 1260441369 | ISBN13: 9781260441369

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ISBN10: 1260441350 | ISBN13: 9781260441352
