LANGE Q&A Surgical Technology Examination, Eighth Edition

8th Edition
1260470245 · 9781260470246
Pass the Surgical Technology Certification (CST) exam with ease! Featuring more than 1,700 Q&As and summaries of important points for each chapter, this valuable resource provides the most complete review available for the surgical technology ce… Read More
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1. Medical Terminology
2. Microbiology
3. Pharmacology and Anesthesia
4. Blood Values
5. Aseptic Technique
6. Sterilization and Disinfection
7. Operating Room Environment
8. Transportation and Positioning
9. Counts
10. Specimens
11. Medical, Ethical, and Legal Responsibilities
12. Diagnostic Procedures
13. Consents
14. Skin Preparation and Draping
15. Instruments
16. Sutures, Stapling Devices, and Drains
17. Wound Healing and Dressings
18. General Surgery
19. Obstetrics and Gynecology
20. Ophthalmology
21. Otorhinolaryngology
22. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
23. Genitourinary
24. Thoracic
25. Cardiac
26. Vascular
27. Neurosurgery
28. Orthopedics
29. Pediatrics
30. Biomedical Science (Electricity, Hemostasis, Lasers, and Computers)
31. Occupational Hazards/Fire Safety
32. Endoscopy, Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Robotics



Pass the Surgical Technology Certification (CST) exam with ease! 

Featuring more than 1,700 Q&As and summaries of important points for each chapter, this valuable resource provides the most complete review available for the surgical technology certification (CST) exam. The book is divided into six core sections to facilitate more effective studying and review.   
LANGE Q&A Surgical Technology Examination, Eighth Edition includes detailed answer explanations and covers all major areas of the surgical technology curriculum. This is an essential resource for students preparing for the certification exam as well as surgical technologists looking for the latest information on specific procedures such as orthopedics, plastic surgery, and emergency procedures.

  • 1,700+ exam-style questions with detailed answer explanations prepare you for what you will actually see on the exam
  • Organized into six core sections for the most effective study possible: Fundamental Knowledge, Infection Control, Concepts of Patient Care, Preoperative Preparation, Intraoperative and Postoperative Procedures, and Technology in the Operating Room 
  • Chapter synopses summarize key topics, terms, and objectives in quick-read bulleted text
  • Thorough coverage of cutting-edge topics such as robotics and endoscopic surgery
  • Ideal for use during coursework and for intensive exam preparation

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ISBN10: 1260470253 | ISBN13: 9781260470253

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ISBN10: 1260470245 | ISBN13: 9781260470246
