Lange Q & A Radiography Examination 12e

12th Edition
1260460444 · 9781260460445
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The most trusted ARRT® Radiography Exam resource?with 1,400 p… Read More
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The most trusted ARRT® Radiography Exam resource?with 1,400 practice questions and fully updated content

Lange Q&A Radiography Examination provides everything you need to fully prepare for and pass the ARRT® Radiography Exam. The questions have long been praised as being the closest to those found on the actual exam and they include detailed explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. This edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect changes to the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Content Specifications. Here’s everything you need to test your knowledge and prepare for the exam.

  • A comprehensive review for the ARRT® certification exam, with more than 1,400 questions and answers
  • Includes two practice exams, each with 200 questions, plus an additional practice test online
  • Informative introduction helps you get the most out of the book and provides score-boosting tips to maximize your performance on test day
  • Organized into sections that reflect the four content categories of the exam
  • New four-color design features illustrations for key areas, such as such as veins, body mechanics, needle positions, and body position
  • Enhanced by x-ray images to ensure all images are clear and relevant
  • Reflects the experience of a respected author with nearly four decades of teaching experience

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ISBN10: 1260460452 | ISBN13: 9781260460452

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ISBN10: 1260460444 | ISBN13: 9781260460445
