Land Development Handbook, Fourth Edition

4th Edition
1260440753 · 9781260440751
The definitive guide to land development—fully updated to cover the latest industry advances.This thoroughly revised resource lays out step-by-step approaches from feasibility, through design and into permitting stages of land development projects.… Read More
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The definitive guide to land development—fully updated to cover the latest industry advances.
This thoroughly revised resource lays out step-by-step approaches from feasibility, through design and into permitting stages of land development projects. The book offers a holistic view of the land development process for public and private project types – including residential, commercial, mixed-use and institutional. Land Development Handbook, Fourth Edition contains the latest information on green technologies and environmentally conscious design methods. Detailed technical appendices, revised graphics, and case studies round out the content included.
This edition covers:• Due diligence, planning, and zoning• Review procedures, building codes, and development costs• Environmental and historical considerations• Site analysis and preliminary engineering• Feasibility studies and site inspections• Conceptual and schematic design• Site selection, yield, and impact studies• Final design processes and sample plans• Components of a site plan and the approval process• Site grading, road design, and utility design • Stormwater management and hydrology• Erosion and sediment control• Permits, bonds, and construction documents• Soils, floodplain studies and stream restoration

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ISBN10: 1260440761 | ISBN13: 9781260440768

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ISBN10: 1260440753 | ISBN13: 9781260440751
