Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way: Powering Transformation by Putting Ideas to Work

1st Edition
1259582957 · 9781259582950
Unlock the secret to groundbreaking innovation with this game-changing guideInnovation means putting ideas to work. It is a discipline that can be learned, practiced, and leveraged to propel meaningful transformation and sustainable success, and it i… Read More
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Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii

Chapter 1 Preparation 1
Chapter 2 Philosophy 17
Chapter 3 People 31
Chapter 4 Process 55
Chapter 5 Products 99
Chapter 6 Practices 117
Chapter 7 Partners 153
Chapter 8 Place 173
Chapter 9 Philanthropy 197
Chapter 10 Predictions 207

Appendix A: Invention Disclosure Form 225
Appendix B: The Road to Drug Approval 235
Appendix C: Sample Medical Innovation Maturity Survey (MiMS) Results 243
Notes 251
Index 257

Unlock the secret to groundbreaking innovation with this game-changing guide

Innovation means putting ideas to work. It is a discipline that can be learned, practiced, and leveraged to propel meaningful transformation and sustainable success, and it is proving to be the margin of difference in the largest concentrated sector of our economy: healthcare. This is where the stakes may be highest because the transcendent ideas that come from the patient bedside or laboratory bench don’t just translate to a bottom line, they improve and extend human life.

Since its inception in 1921, Cleveland Clinic has been at the forefront of life-saving innovations in healthcare, pioneering a new model of care, advancing surgical techniques, and developing cutting-edge medical technologies. It has revolutionized the industry with a proven and tested working model for mission-driven, results-oriented success—one that is applicable to industries beyond healthcare.

In Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way, Thomas J. Graham, MD, describes the Clinic’s unique approach. Learn:

• How to align the innovation strategy with your organization’s mission
• How to identify your organization’s innovation assets and put them to work
• How to foster collaboration within and across teams to spark creative ideation
• The process of taking “napkin ideas” through successful commercialization
• The most common innovation pitfalls and how to avoid and address them
• Cleveland Clinic’s 10 commandments of innovation and the six degrees of innovation

Packed with enterprising solutions and inspiring examples, this practical guide will equip any individual or institution seeking to affect purposeful transformation. Use these best practices to put ideas to work and turn yours into a high-innovation organization.

Thomas J. Graham, MD, is the Chief Innovation Officer of Cleveland Clinic and Vice Chairman of Orthopedic Surgery. A prolific inventor with nearly 50 worldwide patents and a serial entrepreneur, he is a renowned orthopaedic surgeon whose practice is the premier destination for the care of the professional athlete’s hand and wrist. He is regularly recognized as one of “America’s Best Doctors.”

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