How to Build a Small Budget Recording Studio from Scratch 4/E

4th Edition
0071782710 · 9780071782715
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Build a cutting-edge sound studio--at a price that's music… Read More
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Part I: Acoustic Huggies
1. Theoretical Acoustics
2. Practical Acoustics
3. Real Time Analysis
4. Vibration
5. The Control Room Monitor System
Part II: Brick and Mortar (Drywall and Stud) Studios
6. My Studio--How Big and What Shape?
7. Elements Common to All Studios
8. Audiovisual Budget Recording Studio
9. Studio Built in a Residence
10. A Small Studio for Instruction and Campus Radio
11. Small Ad Agency for AVs and Radio Jingles
12. Multitrack in a Two-Car Garage
13. Building a Studio from Scratch for Radio Program Production
14. Studios for a Commercial Radio Station
15. One Control Room for Two Studios
16. A Video Mini-Studio
17. A Video and Multitrack Studio
18. A Screening Facility for Film and Video
19. Multiple Studios
20. Diffusion Confusion
Part III: New Remedies to Common Acoustic Problems
21. An Introduction to Today's Premanufactured Acoustic Panels and Systems
Part IV: Music Instruments
22. How Music Instruments Produce and Propagate Sound
Appendix A. Sound Absorption Coefficients for General Building Materials and Furnishings
Appendix B. Sound Absorption Coefficients of Owens-Corning Products
Appendix C. Sound Absorption Coefficients for Tectrum
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Build a cutting-edge sound studio--at a price that's music to your ears

How to Build a Small Budget Recording Studio from Scratch, Fourth Edition gives you detailed plans (including 12 studio designs with 23 constructed, tested, and acoustically tuned rooms from renowned acoustician, F. Alton Everest), and other resources for making your own professional-grade recording studio.

Start from scratch with techniques, practical advice, and scientific know-how that guide you on how to construct everything from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. You'll get expert recommendations on materials and equipment, how to test and adjust the finished facility for frequency response and reverberation time; mathematical formulas and simple explanations of key scientific principles; and everything else a musician, sound engineer, producer, filmmaker, or hobbyist could possibly want.

Coverage includes:

  • Plans for purpose-specific studios (residential, commercial, instructional)
  • How each music instrument creates sound -- and how to best record acoustical instruments
  • Testing, measurement, and how to read acoustic specifications
  • Premanufactured acoustic remedies
  • Noise control (from HVAC equipment and other sources)
  • Comes with exclusive bonus online content, including mathematical equations for acoustics, reverberation, music tempo, and pitch; listings of manufacturers of acoustic materials and test equipment; directions for how to read blueprints; and much more!
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ISBN10: 0071782729 | ISBN13: 9780071782722

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ISBN10: 0071782710 | ISBN13: 9780071782715
