High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual
1st Edition
© 1999 | Published: May 1, 1999
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Serious About Sound? Build showcase amplifiers that outper…
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Preface. Acknowledgments. Chapter 1: Fundamentals of High-Power Audio Amplifiers. Chapter 2: Misinformation in Audio. Chapter 3: Basics of Audio Power Amplifiers. Chapter 4: Input Stage Configurations and Analyses. Chapter 5: Voltage Amplifier Stage: Configurations and Analysis. Chapter 6: Output Stages: Configurations, Classes, and Device Types. Chapter 7: Stability, Distortion, and Performance. Chapter 8: Amplifier and Loudspeaker Protection Methods. Chapter 9: Audio Amplifier Power Supplies and Construction. Chapter 10: Building the Optimum Audio Power Amplifier. Chapter 11: Audio Amplifier cookbook Designs and Discussions. Chapter 12: Construction Techniques and Considerations. Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of High-Power Audio Amplifiers. Chapter 2: Misinformation in Audio. Chapter 3: Basics of Audio Power Amplifiers. Chapter 4: Input Stage Configurations and Analyses. Chapter 5: Voltage Amplifier Stage: Configurations and Analysis. Chapter 6: Output Stages: Configurations, Classes, and Device Types. Chapter 7: Stability, Distortion, and Performance. Chapter 8: Amplifier and Loudspeaker Protection Methods. Chapter 9: Audio Amplifier Power Supplies and Construction. Chapter 10: Building the Optimum Audio Power Amplifier. Chapter 11: Audio Amplifier cookbook Designs and Discussions. Chapter 12: Construction Techniques and Considerations. Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Chapter 3: Basics of Audio Power Amplifiers. Chapter 4: Input Stage Configurations and Analyses. Chapter 5: Voltage Amplifier Stage: Configurations and Analysis. Chapter 6: Output Stages: Configurations, Classes, and Device Types. Chapter 7: Stability, Distortion, and Performance. Chapter 8: Amplifier and Loudspeaker Protection Methods. Chapter 9: Audio Amplifier Power Supplies and Construction. Chapter 10: Building the Optimum Audio Power Amplifier. Chapter 11: Audio Amplifier cookbook Designs and Discussions. Chapter 12: Construction Techniques and Considerations. Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Chapter 5: Voltage Amplifier Stage: Configurations and Analysis. Chapter 6: Output Stages: Configurations, Classes, and Device Types. Chapter 7: Stability, Distortion, and Performance. Chapter 8: Amplifier and Loudspeaker Protection Methods. Chapter 9: Audio Amplifier Power Supplies and Construction. Chapter 10: Building the Optimum Audio Power Amplifier. Chapter 11: Audio Amplifier cookbook Designs and Discussions. Chapter 12: Construction Techniques and Considerations. Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Chapter 7: Stability, Distortion, and Performance. Chapter 8: Amplifier and Loudspeaker Protection Methods. Chapter 9: Audio Amplifier Power Supplies and Construction. Chapter 10: Building the Optimum Audio Power Amplifier. Chapter 11: Audio Amplifier cookbook Designs and Discussions. Chapter 12: Construction Techniques and Considerations. Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Chapter 9: Audio Amplifier Power Supplies and Construction. Chapter 10: Building the Optimum Audio Power Amplifier. Chapter 11: Audio Amplifier cookbook Designs and Discussions. Chapter 12: Construction Techniques and Considerations. Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Chapter 11: Audio Amplifier cookbook Designs and Discussions. Chapter 12: Construction Techniques and Considerations. Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Chapter 13: Power Amplifier Diagnostic Equipment and Testing Procedures. Appendices. Index.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Serious About Sound? Build showcase amplifiers that outperform store-bought models-at a fraction of the cost
Ideal for audiophiles, electronics hobbyists, and audio engineers, here is the ultimate audio amplifier dream-to-reality book, giving you leading-edge electronic stools for designing every detail of a superior high-power amplifier. Using Randy Slone's ready-to-construct recipes, you can-in less time than you think-put together an amplifier that's a major step up from commercial offerings. And you'll save hundreds, even though sands, of dollars doing it. The Best In Do-It-Yourself Audio Amplification. 12 complete designs, ready to guild; Theory and principles for designing your own world-class amplifier; Optimal audio power supply building methods; New configurations and analyses of voltage amplifiers; New methods for increasing stability; New distortion-reduction techniques; Latest info on computer analysis and diagnostics; Popular audio myths debunked.