1st Edition
0071496483 · 9780071496483
The definitive guide to a critical, hotlydebated topicHow should a sailor cope with storms at sea?Some advocate heaving-to, others running off.Some say trail a sea anchor over the bow, others adrogue astern. The stakes in the discussion couldn’t be… Read More
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Part One: Storms and Storm Tactics

1. An Overview

2. What is an Ocean Wave?

3. More On Big Waves

4. Heaving-To

5. Lying A-Hull

6. Running Off

7. What is a Sea Anchor?

8. Parachutes in the Sea

9. Parachutes in Action

10. What is a Drogue?

11. A New Idea

12. Do Drogues Really Work?

13. Bow or Stern: Which Scheme is Better?

Part Two: The Bigger Picture

14. Passage Planning: The Best Time to Go

15. The Chart Game, or Where Am I?

16. A Few Notes on Reefing the Sails

17. Glossary. [350 terms of the sea]

Notes and references

The definitive guide to a critical, hotlydebated topic

How should a sailor cope with storms at sea?Some advocate heaving-to, others running off.Some say trail a sea anchor over the bow, others adrogue astern. The stakes in the discussion couldn’t behigher, or the consensus lower. Finally, preeminentsailor/author Hal Roth offers a practical strategy thatcan evolve and respond as storms grow stronger.

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ISBN10: 0071643451 | ISBN13: 9780071643450

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ISBN10: 0071496483 | ISBN13: 9780071496483
