Handbook of Sound Studio Construction: Rooms for Recording and Listening

1st Edition
007177274X · 9780071772747
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Build first-class recording studios and listening spacesDe… Read More
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1. Introduction to Room Design
2. Announce Booth
3. Recording Studio for Classical Music
4. Recording Studio for Popular Music
5. Recording Studio with Variable Acoustics
6. Control Rooms
7. Audio/Video/Film Workroom
8. Teleconference Room
9. Home Personal Project Studio
10. Home Media Room
11. Home Theater
12. Site Selection and Noise Control
13. Sound Diffusing Materials
14. Sound Absorbing Materials
15. Sound Reflecting Materials
16. Wall Construction
17. Floor/Ceiling Construction
18. Windows and Doors
19. HVAC System
20. Room Performance and Evaluation
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Build first-class recording studios and listening spaces

Design and build your own audiophile-grade recording and playback environments using proven, cost-effective plans and techniques. Handbook of Sound Studio Construction: Rooms for Recording and Listening explains practical acoustical properties and describes how to engineer acoustically sensitive spaces, including music recording studios, control rooms, voice studios, home project studios, A/V suites, media rooms, and surround-sound home theaters.

Learn how to choose room dimensions, select building materials, construct your own custom treatments, maximize isolation, and generate and analyze response curves. This do-it-yourself guide incorporates decades of roomdesignexperience and provides you with the practical knowledge to design and build your own acoustical spaces or improve existing spaces.

Coverage includes:

  • An introduction to room acoustics and acoustical design
  • Reflecting, absorbing, and diffusing materials
  • Room geometry, modes, and treatment
  • Acoustic isolation, site selection, and HVAC design
  • Wall, floor, and ceiling construction
  • Window and door design considerations
  • Reverberation times, early reflections, and psychoacoustics
  • Objective and subjective room evaluation
  • Plans and specifications for 10 recording and listening rooms

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ISBN10: 0071772758 | ISBN13: 9780071772754

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ISBN10: 007177274X | ISBN13: 9780071772747
