Haitian Creole Phrasebook: Essential Expressions for Communicating in Haiti

1st Edition
0071749209 · 9780071749206
The essential terms you need to communicate with the nation’s 8-plus million Haitian Creole speakersIf you are travelling to Haiti to help with the relief effort or to aid in its rebuilding, Haitian Creole Phrasebook is your must-have resource. In… Read More
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IntroductionHow to Use this BookPart One: Basic VocabularyChapter 1: Basics of Haitian Creole Chapter 2: Greetings and Wishes Chapter 3: Expressing Preferences and Opinions Chapter 4: Numbers, Time, and Weather Chapter 5: Family, People, and Description Chapter 6: Communication Part Two: Living and Working in HaitiChapter 7: Transportation and Directions Chapter 8: Money and Shopping Chapter 9: Accommodations Chapter 10: Food and Drink Part Three: Specialized Vocabulary Chapter 11: Earthquake Chapter 12: Construction Rebuilding Chapter 13: Relief Effort Chapter 14: Medical Vocabulary Chapter 15: Security Part Four: ResourcesGrammar Review Verb Table Glossary

The essential terms you need to communicate with the nation’s 8-plus million Haitian Creole speakers

If you are travelling to Haiti to help with the relief effort or to aid in its rebuilding, Haitian Creole Phrasebook is your must-have resource. In addition to featuring content specifically related to relief and rebuilding, this book also covers the basic topics such as introducing yourself, asking for directions, giving instructions, or asking for information. A separate section is devoted to key words and phrases related to relief efforts from communicating with medical personnel to construction and engineering terminology


  • A mini-dictionary includes essential vocabulary for quick reference
  • An 30-minute audio download that features key words and phrases
  • Vital vocabulary and phrases relevant to relief and rebuilding processes

McGraw-Hill will donate a percentage of sales to the Haitian rebuilding effort.

Topics include: Basic Vocabulary, Basics of Haitian Creole, Greetings and Wishes, Expressing Preferences and Opinions, Numbers, Time, and Weather, Family, People, and Description, Communication, Living and Working in Haiti, Transportation and Directions, Money and Shopping, Accommodations, Food and Drink, Specialized Vocabulary, Earthquake, Construction Rebuilding, Relief Effort, Medical Vocabulary, Security, Resources

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ISBN10: 0071749217 | ISBN13: 9780071749213

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ISBN10: 0071749209 | ISBN13: 9780071749206
