Hacking Exposed Malware & Rootkits: Security Secrets and Solutions, Second Edition

2nd Edition
0071823077 · 9780071823074
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Arm yourself for the escalating war against malware and ro… Read More
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Part 1: Malware
Chapter 1: Malware Propagation
Chapter 2: Malware Functionality

Part 2: Rootkits
Chapter 3: User-Mode Rootkits
Chapter 4: Kernel-Mode Rootkits
Chapter 5: Virtual Rootkits
Chapter 6: The Future of Rootkits

Part 3: Prevention Technologies
Chapter 7: Antivirus
Chapter 8: Host Protection Systems
Chapter 9: Host Based Intrusion Prevention
Chapter 10: Rootkit Detection
Chapter 11: General Security Practices

Part 4: Appendix
Appendix A: System Integrity Analysis: Building Your Own Rootkit Detector

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Arm yourself for the escalating war against malware and rootkits

Thwart debilitating cyber-attacks and dramatically improve your organization’s security posture using the proven defense strategies in this thoroughly updated guide. Hacking Exposed™ Malware and Rootkits: Security Secrets & Solutions, Second Edition fully explains the hacker’s latest methods alongside ready-to-deploy countermeasures. Discover how to block pop-up and phishing exploits, terminate embedded code, and identify and eliminate rootkits. You will get up-to-date coverage of intrusion detection, firewall, honeynet, antivirus, and anti-rootkit technology.

• Learn how malware infects, survives, and propagates across an enterprise
• See how hackers develop malicious code and target vulnerable systems
• Detect, neutralize, and remove user-mode and kernel-mode rootkits
• Use hypervisors and honeypots to uncover and kill virtual rootkits
• Defend against keylogging, redirect, click fraud, and identity theft
• Block spear phishing, client-side, and embedded-code exploits
• Effectively deploy the latest antivirus, pop-up blocker, and firewall software
• Identify and stop malicious processes using IPS solutions

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ISBN10: 0071825754 | ISBN13: 9780071825757

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ISBN10: 0071823077 | ISBN13: 9780071823074
