French Demystified, Premium 3rd Edition

3rd Edition
1259836231 · 9781259836237
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Part One Basics of French Understanding
CHAPTER 1 French Pronunciation
The French You Already Know: Borrowed Words and Cognates
The French Alphabet
Pronouncing Vowels
Pronouncing Consonants
The Francophone World
CHAPTER 2 Naming Things
Definite Articles
French Nouns and Gender
Asking Basic Questions
The Gender of Countries
The Plural of Nouns
Indefinite Articles
The Cardinal Numbers Zero to Fifty
Ordinal Numbers
Days, Months, and Seasons
French Names
CHAPTER 3 Asking Questions
Subject Pronouns
-er Verb Endings in the Present Tense
Spelling Changes in -er Verbs
Asking Questions
Answering Questions in the Negative
The Negation ni... ni
CHAPTER 4 To Be or to Have, That Is the Question!
The Verb être
The Verb avoir
The Verb aller
Using il y a
Expressions of Quantity
Demonstrative Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives
The Numbers Fifty and Above
CHAPTER 5 Describing Things
-ir Verbs in the Present Tense
-re Verbs in the Present Tense
The Imperative Mood
Qualitative Adjectives
Making Comparisons
The Académie française
Part One Test
Part Two Some Essential Friends
CHAPTER 6 Talking About Time and Location
Telling Time
Adverbs and Expressions of Time
Adverbs and Expressions of Location
Using depuis
Geographic Names
The French Republic and Government
CHAPTER 7 Expressing Possibilities, Wishes, and Abilities
The Verb devoir
The Verb vouloir
The Verb pouvoir
Irregular -oir Verbs in the Present Tense
The Partitive Article
French Etiquette
CHAPTER 8 Getting Acquainted
The Verb savoir
The Verb connaître
Dans versus en
CHAPTER 9 Talking About the Immediate Future and Past
The Immediate Future Tense
The Immediate Past Tense
The Verb tenir
Using the Impersonal Pronominal Verb il s’agit de
The Verb faire
CHAPTER 10 Using Pronominal Verbs
The Different Types of Pronominal Verbs
Pronominal Verbs in the Imperative Form
Pronominal Verbs in the Infinitive
Parts of the Body
Disjunctive Pronouns
Intonation in French
The Conjunction donc
Part Two Test
Part Three Talking About the Past
CHAPTER 11 All About Pronouns
Direct Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns
The Pronoun y
The Pronoun en
The Order of the Pronouns
CHAPTER 12 Talking About the Past with the passé composé
The passé composé
The passé composé with avoir
The passé composé with être
Using Direct Objects in the passé composé
Pronominal Verbs in the passé composé
Using Adverbs with the passé composé
CHAPTER 13 Talking About the Past with the imparfait
The imparfait
Using the imparfait for Description
Using the imparfait for Habitual Action
Using the imparfait to Express Interrupted Action
Using the imparfait to Make a Suggestion
Using the imparfait to Express a Wish or Regret
The Immediate Past with the imparfait
The imparfait Versus the passé composé
CHAPTER 14 All About Prepositions
Prepositions and French Verbs
Verbs Without Prepositions
Verbs Followed by the Preposition à
Verbs Followed by the Preposition de
Verbs That Use Different Prepositions
Common Prepositions
CHAPTER 15 More Past Tenses and Indicating Possession
The plus-que-parfait
The passé simple
Possessive Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Part Three Test
Part Four All Is Subjective
CHAPTER 16 Using the Infinitive, Present Participle, Gerund, and Passive Voice
The Present Infinitive
The Past Infinitive
The Present Participle
The Gerund
The Passive Voice
CHAPTER 17 Making Suggestions and Hypotheses
The Simple Future
The Future Perfect
The Present Conditional
The Past Conditional
Could, Should, and Would
CHAPTER 18 Knowing Who Is Who with Relative Pronouns
The Relative Pronouns
The Relative Pronoun qui
The Relative Pronoun que
Relative Pronouns Following Prepositions
The Relative Pronoun dont
Using the Antecedent ce
Indirect Speech
CHAPTER 19 The Subjunctive Mood
The Subjunctive
The Present Subjunctive
Uses of the Subjunctive
The Past Subjunctive
Part Four Test
Final Exam
English-French Glossary
French-English Glossary
Answer Key

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Say au revoir to your fears of learning French with the updated premium edition of this fast, painless guide

The updated third edition of French DeMYSTiFieD provides you with the comprehensive, step-by-step educational experience that has made the DeMYSTiFieD language series such a success. This established, unintimidating approach to speaking, reading, and writing a new language takes the mystery and menace out of the learning process, whether in class or at home.

Hundreds of quiz and test questions, chapter-opening objectives, and specific recommendations for difficult subtopics and individual weaknesses help you learn basic grammar structures and verb tenses, pronunciation, essential vocabulary, and how to communicate with confidence. In addition to DeMYSTiFieD’s time-tested strategies, this edition features 90 minutes of streaming audio recordings and chapter review quizzes via the unique McGraw-Hill Language Lab app, so you can enhance your study via mobile or online, at home or on the go.

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