First Aid for the NBDE Part 1, Third Edition

3rd Edition
0071769048 · 9780071769044
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.One-stop NBDE preparation -- written by students who aced … Read More
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Anatomic Sciences; 1. Gross Anatomy; 2. General Histology; 3. Oral Histology; 4. Developmental BiologyBiochemistry-Physiology; 5. Physical-Chemical Principles; 6. Biological Compounds; 7. Metabolism; 8. Molecular Biology; 9. Membranes; 10. Neurophysiology; 11. Muscle Physiology; 12. Circulatory and Cardiac Physiology; 13. Respiratory Physiology; 14. Renal, Fluid, Acid-Base Physiology; 15. Gastrointestinal Physiology; 16. Nutrition; 17. Endocrine Physiology; Microbiology-Pathology; 18. Microbiology; 19. Oral Microbiology and Pathology; 20. Reactions to Tissue Injury; 21. Immunology and Immunopathology; 22. Systemic Pathology; 23. Neoplasia; Dental Anatomy and Occlusion; 24. Tooth Morphology; 25. Pulp Morphology; 26. Calcification and Eruption; 27. Occlusion and Function; 28. Tooth Anomalies

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

One-stop NBDE preparation -- written by students who aced the exam

First Aid for the NBDE Part 1, 3e is a concise review for the exam, containing hundreds of high-yield facts and mnemonics, and more than 200 photos and illustrations.The book offers what-to-study guidance for the most frequently tested topics in anatomic sciences, biochemistry and physiology, microbiology and pathology, and dental anatomy and occlusion. Readers will also find confidence-building, performance-enhancing test-taking strategies.


  • Written by students who have personally experienced the exam,and reviewed by top dental school faculty and practitioners
  • Full-color insert of essential images
  • Completely revised based on the most recent version of the exam

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ISBN10: 0071773592 | ISBN13: 9780071773591

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ISBN10: 0071769048 | ISBN13: 9780071769044
