First Aid for the Internal Medicine Boards, Fourth Edition

4th Edition
1259835030 · 9781259835032
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The insider's guide to acing the internal medicine boards wri… Read More
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Chapter 1. Allergy and Immunology
Chapter 2. Ambulatory Medicine
Chapter 3. Cardiovascular Medicine
Chapter 4. Critical Care
Chapter 5. Dermatology
Chapter 6. Endocrinology
Chapter 7. Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Chapter 8. Geriatrics
Chapter 9. Hematology
Chapter 10. Hospital Medicine
Chapter 11. Infectious Diseases
Chapter 12. Nephrology
Chapter 13. Neurology
Chapter 14. Oncology
Chapter 15. Psychiatry
Chapter 16. Pulmonary Medicine
Chapter 17. Rheumatology
Chapter 18. Women's Health
Appendix: Abbreviations and Symbols

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

The insider's guide to acing the internal medicine boards written by physicians who passed

The perfect framework for score-boosting, time-efficient review, First Aid for the Internal Medicine Boards, Fourth Edition delivers the high-yield information, mnemonics, and visual aids necessary to excel on the exam. Following the proven First Aid formula for success, the book is carefully edited to include the content most likely to be included on the exam, allowing readers to focus on what they really need to know and maximize their study time. The Fourth Edition is distinguished by a renewed focus on high-yield content and has been updated to reflect the very latest treatment guidelines in internal medicine.

Everything you need to get the score you want on the internal medicine boards:

• A complete one-stop review of the most frequently tested topics
• Rich full-color design for easier studying
• Hundreds of revised high-yield tables, diagrams, and topics
• Integrated vignette questions prepare you for what you will see on the actual exam
• Insider tips and study strategies for outstanding performance
• Key Facts in the margins reinforce must-know information
• Mnemonics make learning and memorization fun, fast, and easy
• Great as a refresher for recertification


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ISBN10: 1259835049 | ISBN13: 9781259835049

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ISBN10: 1259835030 | ISBN13: 9781259835032
