Fiberglass Boat Repairs Illustrated

1st Edition
0071549927 · 9780071549929
Step-by-step color photo guidance forrepairing and renewing fiberglass boatsIf you don't have the experience of working withfiberglass, any repairs to your boat must be done by high-costprofessionals or left undone. This entry-level guide usesfull-co… Read More
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1. How a Fiberglass Boat Is Built
2. Diagnosing Damage
3. Materials, Tools, and Basic Techniques
4. Gelcoat Restoration and Repair
5. Making Joints, Plugs, and Molds
6. Hull, Keel, and Rudder Fairing
7. Major Repairs
8. Osmosis and Blister Repair
9. Finishing Your Repair Work

Step-by-step color photo guidance forrepairing and renewing fiberglass boats

If you don't have the experience of working withfiberglass, any repairs to your boat must be done by high-costprofessionals or left undone. This entry-level guide usesfull-color, step-by-step photo sequences and line drawingsto present you with the basics in an easily digested form. You will learn how to:
  • Save money and time doing your own fiberglassrepairs
  • Improve the value, appearance, and safety of yourboat
  • Work with materials such as polyester, epoxy, fiberglass,carbon fiber, and core materials
  • Fix annoying leaks; repair cracks; restore gelcoat;fabricate new components

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ISBN10: 0071549935 | ISBN13: 9780071549936

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ISBN10: 0071549927 | ISBN13: 9780071549929
