Escaping Toxic Guilt

1st Edition
0071497358 · 9780071497350
Your life's journey shouldn't be a guilt tripDo you feel responsible for everyone around you? Do you value the feelings of others more than your own? Do you have unrealistic expectations of yourself? Then you may be trapped by toxic guilt. Trying t… Read More
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Introduction: The Hidden Net

Part I: The Guilt Trap

Chapter 1: What Is Guilt

Chapter 2; Naming Our Guilt

Chapter 3: Sorting it Out: Case Studies

Chapter 4 : Psychological Underpinnings of Guilt

Chapter 5: The Dynamics of Guilt

Chapter 6: The Cultural Underpinnings of Guilt

Part II: The Eight-Guilt Inducing Situations

Chapter 7: Guilt in Relationships

Chapter 8: Guilt and Children

Chapter 9: Guilt and Parents

Chapter 10: Guilt and Religion

Chapter 11: Guilt and the Workplace

Chapter 12: Guilt and Arguments

Chapter 13: Guilt and Sexuality

Chapter 14: Guilt and Pregnancy

Part III: Escaping Toxic Guilt

Chapter 15: Step One: Speak the Truth

Chapter 16: Step Two: Claim Territory

Chapter 17: Step Three: Brace for the Storm

Chapter 18: Step Four: Ride the Wind

Chapter 19: Step Five: Patrol the Borders


Your life's journey shouldn't be a guilt trip

Do you feel responsible for everyone around you? Do you value the feelings of others more than your own? Do you have unrealistic expectations of yourself? Then you may be trapped by toxic guilt.

Trying to win the approval of others--whether they are your parents, spouse, colleagues, friends, children, or church--while being trapped by toxic guilt can strain your relationships, drain your energy, and dominate your life. The five easy-to-follow steps in Escaping Toxic Guilt can liberate you from these self-defeating patterns and put you on the path to living life fully, joyfully, and on your own terms.

By following this simple, effective plan, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the difference between good guilt and toxic guilt
  • Build boundaries around your time and emotions
  • Weather the storm of people's disapproval
  • Find freedom through forgiveness and relinquishing control
  • Protect your sense of self while still caring for others

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ISBN10: 0071595880 | ISBN13: 9780071595889

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ISBN10: 0071497358 | ISBN13: 9780071497350
