Energy Systems Engineering: Evaluation and Implementation, Fourth Edition

4th Edition
1260456404 · 9781260456400
A definitive guide to energy systems engineering?thoroughly updated for the latest technologiesFully revised for the latest technologies and data, this hands-on guide clearly explains the design, evaluation, and environmental impact of both conventio… Read More
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Preface to the Fourth Edition


Note to Instructors

1. Introduction
1-1. Overview
1-2. Introduction
1-3. Relationship between Energy, Population, and Wealth
1-4. Pressures Facing World due to Energy Consumption
1-5. Energy Issues and the Contents of This Book
1-6. Units of Measure Used in Energy Systems
1-7. Summary
Further Reading

2. Engineering Economic Tools
2-1. Overview
2-2. Introduction
2-3. Economic Analysis of Energy Projects and Systems
2-4. Direct versus External Costs and Benefits
2-5. Intervention in Energy Investments to Achieve Social Aims
2-6. NPV Case Study Example
2-7. Summary
Further Reading

3. Climate Change and Climate Modeling
3-1. Overview
3-2. Introduction
3-3. Modeling Climate and Climate Change
3-4. Climate in the Future
3-5. Summary
Further Reading

4. Fossil Fuel Resources
4-1. Overview
4-2. Introduction
4-3. Decline of Conventional Fossil Fuels and a Possible Transition to Nonconventional Alternatives
4-4. Summary
Further Reading

5. Stationary Combustion Systems
5-1. Overview
5-2. Introduction
5-3. Fundamentals of Combustion Cycle Calculation
5-4. Advanced Combustion Cycles for Maximum Efficiency
5-5. Economic Analysis of Stationary Combustion Systems
5-6. Incorporating Environmental Considerations into Combustion Project Cost Analysis
5-7. Reducing CO2 by Capturing Emissions
5-8. Systems Issues in Combustion in the Future
5-9. Representative Levelized Cost Calculation for Electricity from Natural Gas
5-10. Summary
Further Reading

6. Energy Conservation
6-1. Overview
6-2. Role of Conservation in Energy Sustainability
6-3. Understanding Energy Efficiency
6-4. Energy Conservation in Buildings
6-5. Energy Conservation through Appliance Selection and Operation
6-6. Energy Conservation in Industry
6-7. Energy Conservation in Agriculture, Water, and Food Production
6-8. Conclusion
Further Reading

7. Carbon Sequestration
7-1. Overview
7-2. Introduction
7-3. Indirect Sequestration
7-4. Geological Storage of CO2
7-5. Sequestration through Conversion of CO2 into Inert Materials
7-6. Direct Removal of CO2 from Atmosphere for Sequestration
7-7. Overall Comparison of Sequestration Options
7-8. Summary
Further Reading

8. Nuclear Energy Systems
8-1. Overview
8-2. Introduction
8-3. Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear Resources
8-4. Reactor Designs: Mature Technologies and Emerging Alternatives
8-5. Nuclear Fusion
8-6. Nuclear Energy and Society: Environmental, Political, and Security Issues
8-7. Representative Levelized Cost Calculation for Electricity from Nuclear Fission
8-8. Summary
Further Reading

9. The Solar Resource
9-1. Overview
9-2. Introduction
9-3. Definition of Solar Geometric Terms and Calculation of Sun’s Position by Time of Day
9-4. Effect of Diffusion on Solar Performance
9-5. Summary
Further Reading

10. Solar Photovoltaic Technologies
10-1. Overview
10-2. Introduction
10-3. Fundamentals of PV Cell Performance
10-4. Design and Operation of Practical PV Systems
10-5. Life-Cycle Energy and Environmental Considerations
10-6. Representative Levelized Cost Calculation for Electricity from Solar PV
10-7. Summary
Further Reading

11. Active Solar Thermal Applications
11-1. Overview
11-2. Symbols Used in This Chapter
11-3. General Comments
11-4. Flat-Plate Solar Collectors
11-5. Concentrating Collectors
11-6. Heat Transfer in Flat-Plate Solar Collectors
11-7. Summary
Further Reading

12. Passive Solar Thermal Applications
12-1. Overview
12-2. Symbols Used in This Chapter
12-3. General Comments
12-4. Thermal Comfort Considerations
12-5. Building Enclosure Considerations
12-6. Heating Degree Days and Seasonal Heat Requirements
12-7. Types of Passive Solar Heating Systems
12-8. Solar Transmission through Windows
12-9. Load:Collector Ratio Method for Analysis
12-10. Conservation Factor Addendum to the LCR Method
12-11. Load:Collector Ratio Method for Design
12-12. Passive Ventilation by Thermal Buoyancy
12-13. Designing Window Overhangs for Passive Solar Systems
12-14. Summary

13. Wind Energy Systems
13-1. Overview
13-2. Introduction
13-3. Using Wind Data to Evaluate a Potential Location
13-4. Estimating Output from a Specific Turbine for a Proposed Site
13-5. Turbine Design
13-6. Economic and Social Dimensions of Wind Energy Feasibility
13-7. Representative Levelized Cost Calculation for Electricity from Utility-Scale Wind
13-8. Summary
Further Reading

14. Bioenergy Resources and Systems
14-1. Overview
14-2. Introduction
14-3. Biomass
14-4. Platforms
14-5. Alcohol
14-6. Biodiesel
14-7. Methane and Hydrogen (Biogas)
14-8. Summary
Further Reading

15. Transportation Energy Technologies
15-1. Overview
15-2. Introduction
15-3. Vehicle Design Considerations and Alternative Propulsion Designs
15-4. Alternatives to ICEVs: Alternative Fuels and Propulsion Platforms
15-5. Well-to-Wheel Analysis as a Means of Comparing Alternatives
15-6. Summary
Further Reading

16. Systems Perspective on Transportation Energy
16-1. Overview
16-2. Introduction
16-3. Recent Trends and Current Assessment of Energy Use in Transportation Systems
16-4. Applying a Systems Approach to Transportation Energy
16-5. Understanding Transition Pathways for New Technology
16-6. Toward a Policy for Future Transportation Energy from a Systems Perspective
16-7. Summary
Further Reading

17. Other Technologies and Systems
17-1. Overview
17-2. Introduction
17-3. Biomass Energy Application for Heat and Power
17-4. Energy from Water: Hydropower, Tidal, and Wave Energy
17-5. Energy Extraction Using Heat Pumps
17-6. Energy Recovery from the Waste Stream
17-7. Summary
Further Reading

18. Conclusion: Creating the Twenty-First-Century Energy System
18-1. Overview
18-2. Introduction: Energy in the Context of the Economic-Ecologic Conflict
18-3. Sustainable Energy for Developing Countries
18-4. Pathways to a Sustainable Energy Future: A Case Study
18-5. The Role of the Energy Professional in Creating the Energy Systems of the Future
18-6. Summary
Further Reading

A. Guide to Online Appendices


A definitive guide to energy systems engineering?thoroughly updated for the latest technologies

Fully revised for the latest technologies and data, this hands-on guide clearly explains the design, evaluation, and environmental impact of both conventional and sustainable energy systems. You will get comprehensive coverage of all types of energy systems, from fossil fuels and nuclear energy to solar, wind, and biofuels. Energy Systems Engineering: Evaluation and Implementation, Fourth Edition lays out each technology and discusses applications, benefits, and liabilities. This edition contains brand-new chapters that cover energy conservation, small-scale hydropower, geothermal, and heat pump systems, among other subjects.

Coverage includes:

  • Engineering economic tools
  • Climate change and climate modeling
  • Fossil fuel resources
  • Stationary combustion systems
  • Energy conservation
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Nuclear energy systems
  • Solar energy
  • Solar photovoltaic technologies
  • Active and passive solar thermal applications
  • Wind energy systems
  • Bioenergy resources and systems
  • Transportation energy technologies, including electric vehicles
  • Systems perspective on transportation energy
  • Emerging technologies and systems
  • Creating the twenty-first-century energy system

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