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Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice

9th Edition
0078024528 · 9780078024528
One of the most widely read books in educational leadership, Educational Administration uses a systems perspective to synthesize the relevant theory and research on organizational behavior and focuses on understanding and applying theory to solve pro… Read More
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Chapter 1: The School as a Social System

Chapter 2: The Technical Core: Learning and Teaching

Chapter 3: Structure in Schools

Chapter 4: Individuals in Schools

Chapter 5: Organizational Culture of Schools

Chapter 6: Organizational Climate of Schools

Chapter 7: Power and Politics in Schools

Chapter 8: External Environments and Accountability of Schools

Chapter 9: School Effectiveness

Chapter 10: Decision Making in Schools

Chapter 11: Shared Decision Making: Empowering Teachers

Chapter 12: Communication in Schools

Chapter 13: Leadership in Schools

Chapter 14: One Last Time: A Review of the School as a Social System

A Collection of Cases for Educational Leadership


Name Index

Subject Index

One of the most widely read books in educational leadership, Educational Administration uses a systems perspective to synthesize the relevant theory and research on organizational behavior and focuses on understanding and applying theory to solve problems of practice. With each new edition, the latest research and theory are incorporated into the analysis of teaching, learning, and leading. Educational Administration helps future administrators understand the content and context of schools, remember key ideas and principles, and apply and practice those principles as they lead.