Designing Outdoor Environments for Children

1st Edition
0071459359 · 9780071459358
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,  authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Create fun, safe, innovative outdoor landscapes for childre… Read More
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Introduction: A Natural Childhood: Giving Children the World

Chapter 1: History and Development

The History of Children's Gardens

Nature and Development

A Place of Their Own: Giving Nature Back to Children

Chapter 2: The Design Process

The Design Team

Steps of the Design Process

Maintenance and Evaluation

Installation by Volunteers

Maintenance by Volunteers

Case Studies

Chapter 3: Children's Gardens


Adventure Gardens

Edible Gardens

Memorial Gardens

Music Gardens

Story Book Gardens

Water Gardens

Case Studies

Chapter 4: Schoolyards, Playgrounds, and Backyards

Historical Development of Playgrounds

Trends in Playground Design

Role of Municipal and County Park and Recreation Departments in Providing Play Places for Children

Safety in Play Area Design

Case Studies

Chapter 5: Sustainable Landscape Concepts

Water Conservation

Energy Conservation

Low Maintenance

Case Studies

Chapter 6: Curriculum, Fundraising, Community Partnerships, and Service Learning

Educating Teachers on How to Use Gardens

Fundraising and Building the Project

Experiential Service Learning Partnerships

Case Studies



Public Children's Gardens

Organizations/Selected Internet Resources



Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,  authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Create fun, safe, innovative outdoor landscapes for children

This unique resource expertly details the design, installation, and maintenance of sustainable children's landscapes and play yards. Numerous case studies cover projects including storybook courtyards, music and barnyard gardens, nature trails, wildlife habitats, memorial, and edible gardens.

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ISBN10: 0071491090 | ISBN13: 9780071491099

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ISBN10: 0071459359 | ISBN13: 9780071459358
