Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g

1st Edition
0071837264 · 9780071837262
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Design and Deliver Effective Visual Solutions of BI DataCo… Read More
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1. The case for business intelligence and analytics2. OBI 11g and its position in the future of Oracle BI3. OBI Visualizations --Tables4. OBI Visualizations – Graphs5. Pie graphs6. Alerts and Delivers7. BI Publisher8. Dashboard strategy and design9. Dashboard layout and design10. Dashboard Master Detail Linking11. Dashboard Action Links and Navigation12. Dashboard report links13. Dashboard Prompts14. Strategy Scorecards and KPIs15. Navigation16. Design17. General advice
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Design and Deliver Effective Visual Solutions of BI Data

Cowritten by an Oracle ACE Director and an expert in data visualization design specializing in BI and analytics, Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g reveals best practices for presenting data-driven insights with graphs, tables, maps, dashboards, and other methods that will immediately enhance corporate decision-making. Throughout the book, the principles of effective design are emphasized. Leverage the power of this comprehensive business intelligence platform to deliver rich visualizations of business information across the enterprise.

  • Create well-organized tables and pivot tables
  • Convey data insights with line, bar, pie, waterfall, radar, and other graphs
  • Configure MapViews so that you can provide interactive maps and spatial analysis capabilities
  • Build advanced visualizations, including trellis charts, gauges, R images, jQuery sparklines, and more
  • Use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to create pixel-perfect reports from various data sources
  • Design effective, interactive BI dashboards
  • Use the Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management module to measure, evaluate, and manage key performance indicators
  • Make smart color choices using data science tools

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ISBN10: 0071837272 | ISBN13: 9780071837279

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ISBN10: 0071837264 | ISBN13: 9780071837262
