CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 6th Edition

6th Edition
1260143430 · 9781260143430
New edition of a comprehensive text: an ideal resource for the occupational health professional!A Doody's Core Title for 2024 & 2023! An updated and comprehensive guide to occupational and environmental injuries and illnesses, their diagnosis an… Read More
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New edition of a comprehensive text: an ideal resource for the occupational health professional!

A Doody's Core Title for 2024 & 2023! 

An updated and comprehensive guide to occupational and environmental injuries and illnesses, their diagnosis and treatment, and preventive measures in the workplace and community.

Complete and concise, this clinically focused book is the go-to reference for health care professionals in all specialties who diagnose and treat acute and chronic occupational and environmental injuries and illnesses. In addition to clinical management and toxicology, the text covers important aspects of multidisciplinary occupational health and safety practice including ethical principles, disability management, workers’ compensation, medical monitoring, and health risk assessment. 

This new edition features

  • new chapters on the impact of climate change on workers, the changing nature of work, Total Worker Health, workplace violence, pediatric environmental health, genetic toxicology and responder safety and health
  • latest approaches to prevent workplace-related injuries through the application of ergonomic principles
  • updated practical information on the toxic properties and clinical manifestations of industrial materials and environmental agents.


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ISBN10: 1260143449 | ISBN13: 9781260143447

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ISBN10: 1260143430 | ISBN13: 9781260143430
