CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Family Medicine, 5th Edition

5th Edition
126013489X · 9781260134896
Provide continuous, comprehensive care of patients throughout their lifetimes with this evidence-based guideA Doody's Core Title for 2024! An easy-to-use guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of the full range of clinical conditions seen… Read More
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Provide continuous, comprehensive care of patients throughout their lifetimes with this evidence-based guide

A Doody's Core Title for 2024!
An easy-to-use guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of the full range of clinical conditions seen in primary care
NEW content includes coverage of genetics and precision medicine use in family medicine, telehealth in family medicine, CTE and sports injuries, Zika, the opioid epidemic, Hepatitis C, expansion of the HIV section, veteran's health and PTSD, and more
The leading resource for USMLE Step 3 review, board certification and maintenance or recertification
Essential for primary care trainees, practicing physicians, advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants

  • Organized according to the developmental lifespan, beginning with childhood and adolescence and progressing through adulthood and senior years
  • Evidence-based recommendations
  • Conservative and pharmacologic therapies
  • Complementary and alternative therapies when relevant
  • Suggestions for collaborations with other healthcare providers
  • Attention to the mental and behavioral health of patients as solitary as well as comorbid conditions
  • Recognition of impact of illness on the family
  • Patient education information
  • End-of-life issues


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ISBN10: 1260134903 | ISBN13: 9781260134902

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ISBN10: 126013489X | ISBN13: 9781260134896
