Concrete Systems for Homes and Low-Rise Construction

1st Edition
0071452362 · 9780071452366
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Part I: General

Chapter 1: Why Concrete?

Chapter 2: What's Available?

Chapter 3: Materials

Chapter 4: Background for Evaluating Concrete Products

Part II: Wall Systems

Chapter 5: Background on Concrete Wall Systems

Chapter 6: Concrete Masonry Walls

Chapter 7: Insulating Concrete Form Walls

Chapter 8: Precast Concrete Walls

Chapter 9: Removable Form Walls

Chapter 10: Tilt-Up Walls

Chapter 11: Autoclaved, Aerated Concrete Walls

Chapter 12: Developments in Concrete Walls

Part III: Floor and Roof Systems

Chapter 13: Background on Concrete Floor and Roof Systems

Chapter 14: Composite Steel Joist Floors and Roofs

Chapter 15: Insulating Concrete Form Floors and Roofs

Chapter 16: Precast Plank Floors and Roofs

Chapter 17: Removable Form Floors and Roofs

Chapter 18: Autoclaved, Aerated Concrete Floors and Roofs

Chapter 19: Developments in Concrete Floors and Roofs

Part IV: Exterior Finish Products

Chapter 20: Background on Exterior Finish Products

Chapter 21: Stucco

Chapter 22: Concrete Brick

Chapter 23: Fiber-Cement Siding

Chapter 24: Manufactured Stone

Chapter 25: Concrete Roof Tile

Chapter 26: Developments in Exterior Finish Products

Part V: Landscape Products

Chapter 27: Background on Landscape Products

Chapter 28: Concrete Pavers

Chapter 29: Flatwork

Chapter 30: Segmental Retaining Walls

Chapter 31: Developments in Landscape Products

Part VI: Decorative Concrete

Chapter 32: Background on Decorative Concrete

Chapter 33: Countertops

Chapter 34: Decorative Floors and Flatwork

Chapter 35: Developments in Decorative Concrete




Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.


Fast gaining on more traditional homebuilding materials, concrete systems save builders time, money, and headaches. Offering durability, cost savings, energy efficiency, and eye-pleasing aesthetics, concrete systems now account for large shares of the walls, floors, roofs, finishes, and landscape products in small buildings in the United States.

But are concrete systems right for you and your construction crew? And if so, which ones? This is the place to find out. Written by experts from the Portland Cement Association, Concrete Systems for Homes & Low-Rise Constructionprovides expert, straightforward answers on concrete systems. Open these pages for everything you want to know about availability of products, evaluating concrete systems for homes and low-rise buildings, requirements for application, managing projects, and much more. Based on case histories, field research, and hands-on-the-hammer experience, and with more than 325 photos and illustrations, this one-stop resource shows and tells what you want to know. It's a huge time and money saver!

For each new concrete system for residences, you'll find:

  • Properties and advantages
  • Logistics of construction
  • Connections to other concrete systems
  • Materials and labor costs of installation
  • Code and regulatory issues
  • Technical and testing information
  • Sources of additional information

Why Concrete? * What's Available? * Wall Systems * Floor and Roof Systems * Interior Decorative Applications * Exterior Finish Products * Landscape Products