Compressors: How to Achieve High Reliability & Availability

1st Edition
0071772871 · 9780071772877
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Practical techniques for optimizing compressor performance… Read More
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1. Principles of compression highlighted
2. Compressor types and selection
3. Foundations and base plates
4. Piping and gaskets
5. Centrifugal compressor details
6. Reciprocating compressor details
7. Other Positive Displacement Compressors
8. Machinery Quality Assessment, "MQA"
9. Fits, dimensions, repairs and related misunderstandings
10. Compressor failure statistics and successful failure analysis
11. Training competent compressor engineers

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Practical techniques for optimizing compressor performance

Written by experts with more than 100 combined years of industry experience in machinery failure avoidance, Compressors: How to Achieve High Reliability &Availability offers proven solutions to a pervasive and expensive problem in modern industry--compressor failure. This succinct, on-the-job guide addresses elusivecauses of compressor failure and clearly maps out permanent remedies you can put to use right away. With a focus on centrifugal and reciprocating compressors,this accessible reference is based on real-world processes and procedures used by successful global companies.

Coverage includes:

  • Compression principles and internal labyrinths
  • Selection factors for process compressors
  • Operation characteristics of turbocompressors
  • Wet and dry gas seals
  • Bearings, stability, and vibration guidance
  • Lube and seal oil systems
  • Impellers and rotors
  • Compressor maintenance and surveillance
  • Inspection and repair of rotors
  • Machinery quality assessment (MQA)
  • Failure analysis and troubleshooting
  • Reciprocating compressor operation, control, maintenance, and rebuilding
  • Maintenance and operations interfaces
  • Reciprocating compressor monitoring and surveillance
  • Training competent compressor engineers

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ISBN10: 007177288X | ISBN13: 9780071772884

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ISBN10: 0071772871 | ISBN13: 9780071772877
